Lele Pons Photos of memory shared with the singer Chayanne and social media went crazy. The 25-year-old Venezuelan singer and influencer has posted multiple photos with Chayanne, 53, to Instagram over the years, showing how her body has transformed and the Puerto Rican singer remains the same without aging.
“Uncle Chay,” Lele Pons expressed along with the pictures. “Let’s take a moment to acknowledge that unlike me, he hasn’t changed,” joked the singer’s partner. Guiana. Lele Pons is the niece of Chayanne, who is married to the Venezuelan lawyer and model Marilisa Maronese.
Pons is the cousin of Chayanne’s children, Isadora Sofía Figueroa and Lorenzo Valentino Figueroa. Her relationship with Chayanne’s daughter is so close that Isadora often shares photos with Lele on Instagram, calling her “sister.” They even lived together for a while.
Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images; Isaac Brekken/Getty Images Lele Pons and Chayanne
In the photos Lele shared on Instagram, we see Chayanne more than 20 years ago carrying Lele as a baby. There is another photo of Chayanne swimming in the pool with Lele as a child. And there are photos of them together when Lele was a teenager and now that she’s become famous, showing her huge physical transformation.
Of course, Chayanne is still the same and generates compliments on Instagram. “Pretty,” the actress wrote Aracely Arambula. “We need the formula,” the actress joked Maria Laura. “But what a beauty!” he wrote. Caroline Sandoval. In this family about beauty and talent!