Leo Dias sentenced to prison after Tiago Leifert lawsuit

Leo Dias sentenced to prison after Tiago Leifert lawsuit

Pleno.News 19.08.2022 21:44

AGN 2287015 003e1656284518718Leo Dias Photo: Eduardo Martins/AgNews

Rio de Janeiro’s judiciary sentenced Metropoles columnist Leo Dias to one year and three months in prison, according to the website Em Off. The decision is the result of a lawsuit filed by moderator Tiago Leifert and his father, Gilberto Leifert.

Tiago and his father have filed a lawsuit in this matter. The CONAR strongman who attacked Gusttavo Lima is the father of Tiago Leifert. The information comes from the Ana Maria magazine.

Leo Dias has been accused of inferring and inferring that the presenter’s father influenced the opening of a criminal investigation against Gusttavo Lima.

Judge Flávio Itabaiana in charge of the case agreed with Tiago and Gilberto’s arguments. In the petition, they pointed out that “the content of the article gives readers the false impression that Gilberto would be willing to use the respect and prestige he has earned over decades of work to reach out to singer Gustavo Lima , a person he never had with whom he has nothing to do”.

In October 2021, Leo Dias even withdrew over the report, as shown in the image below:


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