A great protagonist of the latest episodes of The legacythe game show hosted by Marco Liorni Daniele Alesini, oncologist at the Santo Spirito Hospital in Sassia, who guessed the word guillotine twice. The doctor has decided to announce his retirement from the game show tonight, January 27, to return to the ward between the corridors of the hospital, where his colleagues will replace him.
Daniele Alesini's resignation
Daniele Alesini was supposed to return tomorrow to face a new exciting challenge on L'Eredità, but surprisingly he announced his resignation to go back to what he loves most in the world: working in a hospital. “Thank you to my colleagues who looked after me during this time.”
The doctor won almost 300,000 euros and revealed in a recent interview with Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni how he will spend this money: “I have three small children (Niccolò, 9 years old, Alice 6.5 and Olivia, 2) and in the house it's slowly getting tight. I would like to buy a larger one. And then I promised the boys that we would go on a trip. I would like to take her to Santa Claus in Lapland. I think it's a beautiful experience and I want the adult to take this journey if he still has this magic in his heart. Another dream I want to fulfill is to see the Northern Lights.”
Marco Liorni's reaction
Daniele Alesini's withdrawal also surprised presenter Marco Liorni, who, however, gave the oncologist some nice words: “One of the greatest champions who has ever been on this show.”
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