Letizia from Spain she is no longer the most beautiful

Letizia from Spain, she is no longer the most beautiful in the kingdom: completely declassified

Letizia of Spain is the queen consort of Philip VI, but why isn’t she the prettiest anymore?

A few weeks ago Letizia of Spain visited Prince Charles at Auckland Castle in England.

letizia from spain is not the prettiest - political24Letizia-di-Spagna-Political24- (Source: Google)

The occasion was to visit the collection of works by Francisco de Zurbaran, indeed both share a passion for art. But who surpassed it?

Letizia from Spain, from journalist to most fascinating woman

Letizia of Spain, now wife of the Ruler of Spain, She is a former journalist who has worked for several newspapers in the past such as: La Nueva Espana, ABC and the Spanish agency EFE. On television, however, he collaborated with the American broadcaster Bloomberg Television.

In 2003 her engagement to the Prince of Asturias was announced, while the two married the following year, she has been Princess of Asturias ever since. In 2014, after her father-in-law’s abdication, Juan Carlos became Queen of Spain. He gave the king two daughters, now teenagers, Leonor and Sofia.

She is a very beautiful and charming woman who it is characterized by its always well thought out and neat appearance. Apparently she gets a visit from her private hairdresser every morning, her past as a socialite must have helped her in making the leap into the Iberian royal family. She was then tasked with educating and educating the future heirs.

In September last year, the eldest daughter traveled to Wales to study at a prestigious institute at Castle St Donatus, which was attended by other young members of Europe’s royal families. But then by whom was it overcome?

A wonderful gem

Letizia from Spain has always been a woman admired for her beauty, but now there is another person in her family who is her equal and maybe even surpasses her, it is her eldest daughter Leonor. She is the eldest daughter of King Felipe and is already 16 years old.

With long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, a friendly smile and a slim build, she really is a beautiful girl. Visit UWC Atlantic College in Wales, after which you can choose from universities in 80 different countries.

She seems already aware of her future role as Queen, and in fact she was with her parents at a reception center for Ukrainian refugees in Madrid during the Easter holidays.

leonor of spain 16 - political24(Source: Instagram / Leonorandsofia)