Letter to the children of Gaza A part of humanity

Letter to the children of Gaza: A part of humanity is buried with you Check

Today the largest exodus of Palestinians since 1948 is taking place around you. And all of this before our eyes. A stream of people dehumanized by war. Where you go?

I wonder: what society will emerge after so much blood? How do you explain to an orphan that revenge is of no use to you? How can you ensure channels for dialogue between you and those who have also been brutalized by Hamas terrorist attacks on the Israeli side?

Millions of minors around the world live in places affected by armed conflict or terrorism. In some regions, a conflict runs through the entire childhood of a generation. In Liberia, the civil war between 1989 and 2004 caused widespread trauma.

In Rwanda almost 20 years ago, I saw thousands of orphans whose parents died in the genocide wander aimlessly through the streets. Other survivors were abducted as domestic slaves, and the Hutu population fled the country to neighboring areas.

This week I passed a park in front of the UN where two monuments were erected to commemorate the victims of the genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia. The place for you seems to have already been reserved.

How many other monuments will the accomplices of these crimes cynically erect in honor of their sisters and brothers?