Leverage play could still bring Jim Harbaugh back to Michigan.com2Fdownloads2F1942930791

Leverage play could still bring Jim Harbaugh back to Michigan – NBC Sports

Jim Harbaugh didn't hire Don Yee to distribute the paper. Harbaugh has tasked him with pushing the envelope when it comes to how much money will be in it.

There's nothing wrong with getting as much money as you can as a head coach. It's a demanding, stressful job. To do it right, you are never out of action. You give him your life. It becomes who you are.

So yes, Harbaugh should try to get as much as possible. Some in league circles believe he's doing just that — and that it could end up sending him back to Michigan.

The Chargers and Falcons have emerged as the two NFL teams most interested in Harbaugh. If Harbaugh is, as it seems, a Plan B for Bill Belichick (or perhaps the internal candidate favored by people more likely to get fired or castrated by Belichick), it's looking like the Chargers or no one for Harbaugh. And if the Chargers play on the cheap side with Harbaugh, he could end up getting the most money to stay at Michigan.

At this point everything needs to be sorted out. But if Harbaugh is inclined to go where he gets the most moolah, it's possible he'll get back there by going back to where he just reached the peak of his career – even if he knows it's a higher one There is a mountain to climb in the NFL.

However, the other teams with openings in the NFL (Titans, Commanders, Seahawks, Panthers) should talk to Harbaugh. He has proven that he can win and win quickly in the NFL. But the broader power structure in a given organization can work against Harbaugh, given his reputation for being difficult to work with. (Note: Great coaches are often difficult to work with.) Some don't want him in the building, even if his presence would be conducive to winning.

Unless something changes, it looks like Chargers, Falcons or Wolverines. If money matters, Harbaugh could end up staying where it's easier to pay the head coach big money because there's no line item in the budget for player salaries.