LH Mikl Leitner on the final day of the Europa Forum: “The fight against illegal migration is becoming one…

Course correction required in the European Union

St. Pölten (OTS/NLK) – “We cannot be a strong and self-confident union if we cannot protect our external borders. The fight against illegal migration thus becomes a fundamental issue for the European Union”, said Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner on Saturday, the last day of this year’s Europa Forum Wachau.

In a time of uncertainty and insecurity, of many great challenges, the European Union is very valuable, underlined the governor at the beginning: “It is responsible for preserving peace and freedom in the community over decades, it is responsible for the prosperity of the people if extended to all their countries.” These are precisely the great challenges for which the European Union was formed:
“Our community should focus more on this again. We need a European Union that doesn’t get bogged down in details, bans and ever-changing requirements. We need a European community that reflects on its strengths.” According to Mikl-Leitner, four guidelines for an “Alliance of the Reasonable” were defined as the basis for this:
“First, we have to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness as a place compared to the US and Asia. Secondly, we must make openness to technology the main priority of European climate policy, because in the fight against climate change we must not put climate protection at the expense of competitiveness. The ‘Green Deal’ must not become a ‘deal breaker’ for the economy. Climate protection is important, but so is the prosperity of our citizens.” The third point she highlighted was: “We have to rein in bureaucrats and centralism – and see ourselves again as a community of strong regions.” Fourth, she emphasized:
“We must significantly improve the protection of the EU’s external borders.”

Unprotected external borders are “perhaps the greatest threat to our community,” said Mikl-Leitner. However, the fight against illegal migration “has nothing to do with xenophobia”, she emphasized. On the contrary, Austria and Europe needed an influx of skilled workers: “But only according to clear rules, in accordance with the needs of the economy and for the benefit of our society”. the fact that in the previous year more refugees arrived in Europe than in 2015, more than half of the refugees arriving in Europe have no reason for asylum, and last year alone 2,500 people drowned at sea. “It shows that the current asylum system is not worth its name. The illegal migration crisis needs a common solution more urgently than almost any other problem in Europe.” This issue cannot be resolved by a region or a country alone and, therefore, alliances must be forged, according to the governor. We now need to work together on new regulations on asylum issues, she said: “This ranges from working border protection to speedy procedures at the EU’s external borders to discussing procedures in safe third countries.”

For these concerns, “partners would be sought, at the regional level, but also at the level of the Member States and in Brussels”, announced Mikl-Leitner. In the past, the European Forum has shown many times that it can take Europe one step further: “I am confident that we will succeed again this time. Let’s fight together for a course correction in the European Union. For a Union that faces major challenges with common sense, it does what benefits people and what people expect from it.”

Other speakers on the final day of the 27th Wachau Europe Forum include Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer.

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