Like three Hiroshima bombs together The Ukrainian Factory That Could

“Like three Hiroshima bombs together”. The Ukrainian Factory That Could Destroy Anything


there nuclear disaster was touched two days ago. A Russian bomb missed the “Chemical Factory” by only 800 meters Pavlograd. They call it “chemistry”, but there it is something else: ICBMs with nuclear warheads. “If he had hit one of the missile camps, say goodbye to everything and everyone within 150 kilometers”. word of Leonid Schyman Chief designer and manager of the Pavlograd plant, where he has been working for 37 years. Interviewed by Andrea Nicastro for Il Corriere, “the hero of Ukraine argues that “if they want to destroy everything within 150 kilometers and kill three million people, they just have to bomb three Hiroshima bombs together“.

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“The Russians know very well what we have here, what we are doing and what we could do,” Shyman adds. He believes that “the Russians made a mistake unhooking, but the problem is that it’s us We didn’t know to protect the missiles from war. The scientist says Ukraine had 1,900 nuclear warheads when the USSR dissolved: “Each warhead had the power of 50 Hiroshima bombs. We all gave in to them in Moscow Budapest memorandum 1994. Here in Pavlograd we still have the rockets that carried the bombs and we need to dismantle them. Now we remove the fuel and reuse it, but the knowhow remains. Americans paid for a while, now we spend 20 million a year out of pocket.

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Shyman points out that “the memorandum stated that by not having nuclear weapons, Ukraine would Ensuring security and territorial integrity. There was also talk of not using force or economic pressure on us. The signatories were not San Marino or the Principality of Monaco, but Russia, the United States and Great Britain”.

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