An operation that looks beyond Ukraine and Donbass. As reported in the Gazette, Vladimir Putin has in mind a plan to block Sweden and Finland’s entry into NATO and is preparing a sensational strategy. The times for the process of joining the Atlantic Alliance are not so short, and Russia could use this situation to launch one or more limited attacks aimed at gaining control over small parts of the territory. What happened in Georgia in 2008, where there was talk of alleged NATO membership, would be repeated.
In the event of an attack by Moscow, the accession procedures for Finland and Sweden would automatically freeze. “Indeed, the tacit rule in the Alliance is that a country engaged in an armed conflict shall not be permitted to invoke the provisions of Article 5 of the Treaty on the obligation of collective defense. A rule that actually put Ukraine’s application for membership dormant for many years, ”says the newspaper, which then recalls how numerous troops are stationed on the border with the Finnish state.