Linda Evangelista reveals that she can no longer look in

Linda Evangelista reveals that she can no longer look in the mirror

Linda Evangelista He no longer sees himself in the mirror.

The Super model 58-year-old who revealed earlier this year that he was battling the Cancer She was permanently disfigured for the second time in 2016 when she underwent fat freezing CoolSculpting and then he sued the company for $50 million, but even though he “no longer blames himself,” he chooses not to look at his reflection.

This is what he commented on it Sunday Times: “Oh, I don’t look in the mirror.” My son sometimes tells me: -Maybe you want to know that you have a pimple on your chin. And I say, what? But life is better without a mirror. Well, I don’t blame myself anymore. I’m not hard on myself anymore. And what people think of me still bothers me a little, but it used to bother me a lot. Now I know I didn’t do anything wrong. I thought that for a long time. I haven’t completely gotten rid of it yet, but I’m working hard to get rid of the guilt and shame. And I won’t let it happen. Ruined my life. “I wouldn’t have stayed locked up if I knew how many people cared.”

Linda added that she is making that effort now Friends And Related more than ever and believes he has “no right to complain” when he hears from other people who have battled the disease.

He said: “When I see someone and say, ‘Oh, I haven’t seen you in a long time, let’s have dinner together,’ then I mean it. When I hear other people’s stories, I think, “Oh God, I have no right to complain.”

To Linda, who was married to the French model Geral Marie from 1987 to 1993, but who has 17-year-old Ausgustin with his ex-partner Francois Henri PinaultShe was asked about her love life but admitted she has “no interest” in being intimate with anyone again.

He made it clear: “I’m not interested.” I don’t want to sleep with anyone anymore. I don’t want to hear anyone breathing.’

The last time she agreed to date someone was in 2015, before she underwent a fat-freezing cosmetic procedure that had the opposite effect, causing lumps to appear on various parts of her body.

It doesn’t help that he’s suffering Fear debilitating social condition that manifests itself every time you leave the house or have to go to a public event because you convince yourself in advance that everything will go wrong. “But after two minutes I forget it. And then I’m always pleasantly surprised,” he added.

There’s another reason why he has a hard time interacting with the rest of the world, and it has nothing to do with his looks. Linda has self-diagnosed a disorder Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) because it is the only explanation he can find for certain aspects of his personality. The celebrity can’t stand it when items are out of alignment and must always place them straight no matter where he is. He also stopped going there movie theater because the noises people make when chewing bother him.