Lino Banfi cried while dancing for his wife

emotion a Dancing with the starswith Lino Banfi who ends his first appearance sobbing. The comedian danced for his wife Lucia, who died a few months ago; Although he tried not to cry, in the end he gave in and, visibly still in too much pain, touched everyone, including Milly Carlucci, who is usually “reluctant” to burst into tears on television.

Together with teacher Alessandra Tripoli, Banfi brought his story with Lucia to the stage in waltz step to the tune of “Five Days” by Michele Zarrillo. An immediately exciting performance that ultimately became overwhelming for Lino he gives in and breaks down into tears, even sobson course:

I didn’t want to fall for it until that point. I promised my children, all of them, that I wouldn’t cry, but how do you do that?!”

he apologizes, covering his face with his hands as if it was a desperation he didn’t want to show. In truth, it was a liberation that involved and moved everyone.

It’s not pietism, it’s our lives, of all of us who have lost someone. We all recognized ourselves in you, because unfortunately we all have stories like that and for you who are in it now, it’s very difficult because it’s very fresh.”

says to him Milly Carlucci with his voice cracking with emotion. The other judges, including Selvaggia Lucarelliwho claims to have faced one of the very rare cases where pain has nothing to do with exploitation:

“In these years here and outside of here, I have seen so many people exploiting and monetizing pain (…) Tonight, even a rational and cynical person like me hasn’t seen even a bit of it. I saw an honesty in this pain, which was also confirmed by one detail: her apology“.