Lions attack a buffalo despite its size it cannot escape

Lions attack a buffalo: despite its size, it cannot escape VIDEO Ecoo

Two lions wildly attack a buffalo. The images are very strong and not recommended for sensitive audiences. The video is on Tik Tok

Fight buffalo lionsFight (screenshot from Tik Tok) –

It is not uncommon to find sui Social Images that can cause contempt or even horror in public. It often happens that pictures of animals fighting each other are published. Survival and the hunt for food are the oldest instincts, even for humans. And above all for the animals that they are predators. Unfortunately, while it’s natural, some animals are born predators and others prey. In this case, it’s a buffalo versus two lions.

While the Ox is definitely larger, it’s clear that it’s doomed. Lions are indeed lionesses experienced hunters. In addition to caring for the offspring, the females bring the food to the “nest”. And all day long they go around and search loot as big as possible. There is no evil in the animal world. Despite the sad and recent news events, the violent images that come from nature will never be able to imitate free malice thoseMan.

The Tik Tok video of two lions and a buffalo

Fight buffalo lionsFight (screenshot from Tik Tok) –

At first it looks like a dance in which i two lions surround the buffalo. Then it becomes clear that they are after prey. And it cannot escape the two cats. Try to get out of the circle i lions they built around it with their body, but it can’t. It’s gone. After a while, this movement continues and they start biting the buffalo from behind. And from there the images become unsuitable for a very sensitive audience. The hope is that those who choose to watch the video to the end do so out of curiosity and an interest in wildlife. not from morbidity.

Tik Tok video

Fight buffalo lionsFight (screenshot from Tik Tok) –

Apparently tick tock it is the most suitable social network for this type of distribution. There are many comments and shares of the video showing a Buffalo attacked by two lions. Wilderness has no place for grace simply because it’s not part of their mindset. Everyone watching the video comments on it as if they were talking about people Mistake pretty awesome. Below is the video in question.


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