Last night, Wednesday April 27, 2022, on Rai1 Brooklyn it gained 2,559,000 viewers, accounting for a 12.6% share. On Canale5 the first episode of Another truth it glued 1,829,000 viewers to the video with a 9.6% share. On Rai2 The good doctor reaches 1,064,000 viewers (4.6%) e the inhabitant to 764,000 viewers (3.8%). About Italy1 hyenas it gathered 1,530,000 viewers equal to 10% (presentation to 1,083,000 and 4.6%). On Rai3 who saw followed by 2,031,000 viewers with 10.8% (performance at 1,427,000 and 6.1%). On Rete4 Countercurrent – Early evening a total of 718,000 viewers (4.4%). On Ba7 Atlantis – stories of people and worlds it records 589,000 viewers equal to 4%. On TV8 Petra marks 280,000 viewers (1.3%). On Nov Come una Volta – A fairytale love is seen by 167,000 viewers (0.8%). On 20 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Initials 618,000 viewers (3%). On Rai4 The room – The room of desire past 294,000 viewers (1.3%). About irises The Eliminator – Eraser is the choice of 690,000 viewers (3.2%). On RaiMovie males versus females is seen by 274,000 viewers (1.3%).
Access prime time
Bangla debuts at 3.7%.
On Rai1 Soliti Ignoti – The Return reaches 4,570,000 viewers with 19.6%. On Canale5 Strip off the news It gathers an average of 3,284,000 viewers, which is 14.1%. On Rai2 Tg2 post affects 912,000 viewers (3.9%). About Italy1 NCIS gains 1,343,000 viewers with 5.9%. On Rai3 Bangla – The Series is seen by 788,000 viewers (3.7%) e A place in the Sun by 1,515,000 viewers (6.5%). On Rete4 Italy tonight 914,000 listeners (4.1%) gathered in the first part and 874,000 viewers (3.7%) in the second part. On Ba7 Half past eight affected 1,636,000 viewers (7.1%). On TV8 Guess my age – Guess my age affects 360,000 viewers (1.6%). On Nov Deal with it – stay in the game it garnered 227,000 viewers (1%). On Ba5 men and women reached 408,000 viewers equal to 1.9% (final at 367,000 and 1.6%). The Serie A game on SkySportUno Bologna vs Inter is seen by 350,000 viewers (1.5%).
Early evening
Bonolis returns to top 20%.
On Rai1 The Legacy – The Challenge of the 7th reached an average viewership of 2,662,000 viewers equal to 21.1%, while The legacy is seen by 3,928,000 viewers, which is 24%. On Canale5 Come on to the first entertained 1,952,000 viewers (16%). Hand off convinced 3,229,000 viewers (20.3%). On Rai2 Blue blood gathers 497,000 viewers (3.2%) e The good doctor 628,000 viewers (3.2%). About Italy1 CSI Miami is seen by 557,000 viewers (3%). On Rai3 Tg region 2,079,000 viewers equal 11.8% while informed blob marked 686,000 viewers equal to 3.5%. On Rete4 love storm affects 809,000 viewers (4%). On Ba7 TgLa7 special from 5:01 p.m. to 7:53 p.m. there were 441,000 viewers (3.7%). On TV8 master chef gained 203,000 viewers (1.3%). On Nov Cash or Trash – Who bids the most? a total of 188,000 viewers (1.1%).
daytime morning
Rai3 through Rai1 to 8.
On Rai1 Rg1 – Exceptional output affects 754,000 viewers with 14.9% (within the Tg1 of 8 to 1,013,000 and 18.5%), while One morning is seen by 796,000 viewers at 17.1%. After the first part of Italian stories This is followed by 799,000 viewers with 16.8%. On Canale5 Rg5 First side informs 576,000 viewers with 16.6% e Rg5 tomorrow 1,149,000 viewers with 21.1% while Five messages tomorrow it gathered 859,000 viewers with 18% in the first part and 860,000 viewers with 18.2% in the second part (The greetings of 2 minutes at 796,000 and 16.8%). On Rai2 Radio2 Social Club is watched by 220,000 viewers (4.7%) during Rg2 Italy reaches 175,000 viewers (3.7%) e Rg2 Blitz to 222,000 viewers (4.5%). About Italy1 Chicago fire reaches 236,000 viewers (4.9%) in the first episode, 226,000 viewers (4.9%) in the second episode and 224,000 viewers (4.4%) in the third episode. On Rai3 Good morning Italy reached an audience of 580,000 and 14.1% while TgR – Good morning region 757,000 viewers and 14.6%. Following agora convinces 359,000 viewers equal to 7.2% e Additional agora 232,000 viewers correspond to 4.9%. On Rete4 Danger attracted 126,000 viewers with 2.7%. On Ba7 omnibus reaches an audience of 137,000 (3.4%) e coffe break by 196,000 viewers (4.2%).
During the day at noon
Head to head between Elisir and L’Aria che Tira.
On Rai1 the second part Italian stories gathers 916,000 viewers (15.9%) while It’s always noon gains 1,711,000 viewers (16.5%). On Canale5 Forum a total of 1,412,000 viewers with 18.4%. On Rai2, after that Sports news to 286,000 viewers (5.5%), your facts achieved 553,000 viewers (8.7%) in the first part and 939,000 viewers (9.7%) in the second part. About Italy1 Chicago P.D is followed by 312,000 viewers (4.3%). Follow to Studio Aperto The doll and the little nerd reaches 657,000 viewers (5.5%) e Sports media set to 703,000 viewers (5.3%). On Rai3 elixir 318,000 viewers equals 5.5% (presentation at 237,000 and 4.9%) that Rg3 of 12 informed 802,000 viewers (9.7%), how many stories gains 603,000 viewers (5%) e past and present reached 492,000 viewers (3.7%). On Rete4 Carabinieri 3 attracted 146,000 viewers (2.6%) and after the news The secret 177,000 viewers (1.7%) e murder, she wrote 650,000 viewers (5%). On Ba7 The air that pulls affects 324,000 viewers with 5.5% in the first part and 477,000 viewers with 4.5% in the second part called Today. On TV8 4 restaurants it gathers 135,000 spectators (1.3%).
Daytime afternoon
With an excellent 21.5%, Paradise is heading towards the end of the season.
On Rai1 Today is another day 1,689,000 spectators (14.4%) accompanied it Ladies paradise it garnered 1,993,000 viewers (21.5%). Follow the dates with the news (Tg1 at 1,363,000 and 15.5%, Rg1 economy to 1,423,000 and 16.2%), Live the life reaches an audience of 1,541,000 viewers with 17.5% in the presentation from 17:06 to 17:26 and 1,877,000 viewers with 18.9% from 17:26 to 18:41. On Canale5 Beautiful gains 2,370,000 viewers (17.6%) e one life 2,207,000 viewers (17.3%), while men and women Initials 2,626,000 viewers equal 23.9% (finals at 1,943,000 and 20.4%), friends 1,695,000 viewers (18.5%), The island of the famous 1,750,000 viewers (19.9%) e.g Brave and beautiful 1,562,000 viewers (17.8%). Following afternoon five accompanied 1,370,000 spectators equal to 15.5% in the presentation from 17:25 to 17:31 and 1,598,000 spectators equal to 16.2% from 17:35 to 18:29 (greeting of 7 minutes at 1,375,000 and 12 .5%). On Rai2 14 o’clock gains 675,000 viewers with 5.3%, question time Pasten 110,000 viewers with 1% e Said and done affects 407,000 viewers with 4.5%. About Italy1 The simpsons garnered 563,000 viewers (4.2%) in the first episode, 698,000 viewers (5.6%) in the second episode and 620,000 viewers (5.3%) in the third episode family Guy 401,000 viewers (3.7%). Following MagnumPI gained 270,000 viewers (2.9%) in the first episode and 229,000 viewers (2.6%) in the second episode, NCIS Los Angeles 228,000 viewers (2.4%). On Rai3 Tg region informed 2,173,000 viewers (16.3%), while Rg3 special entertains 342,000 viewers (3.7%). Following Wait…Geo reaches 482,000 viewers (5.5%) e Geo to 957,000 viewers (9.4%). On Rete4 The forum desk convinced 697,000 viewers with 5.7% e Rg4 – War Diary affects 399,000 viewers with 4.2%. On Ba7 Tagada is seen by 430,000 viewers, which is 4.2% (presentation at 445,000 and 3.5%, #Focus at 337,000 and 3.8%).
second evening
10.7% for the Costanzo Show return.
On Rai1 door to door followed by 731,000 viewers at 9%. On Canale5 the return of Maurizio Costanzo Show a total of 751,000 viewers on average equal to 10.7% (MCS Buonanotte at 341,000 and 9.1%). On Rai2 90th minute special reaches 596,000 viewers (4%) e A piece of Lundini 181,000 viewers (1.9%). About Italy1 Special pressing is seen by 485,000 viewers (12%). On Rai3 Rg3 night line affects 615,000 viewers with 8.1%. On Rete4 came into the world is the choice of 93,000 viewers (2.3%). On Ba7 TgLa7 night informs 88,000 viewers (2.3%).
news channel
1:30 p.m. 3,209,000 (23.8%)
20.00 4,661,000 (23%)
1 p.m. 1,824,000 (14.4%)
8:30 p.m. 1,196,000 (5.3%)
2:25 p.m. 1,276,000 (10.1%)
7 p.m. 1,672,000 (11.3%)
1 p.m. 2,704,000 (21.2%)
20.00 4,012,000 (19.4%)
12:25 p.m. 1,174,000 (11.4%)
18.30 374,000 (3.3%)
11:55 a.m. 292,000 (3.7%)
18.55 500,000 (3.2%)
1:30 p.m. 637,000 (4.7%)
8 p.m. 1,155,000 (5.6%)
Average age of prime time shows:
Rai1 65.4
Rai2 55.1
Rai3 63.1
Channel 5 55.1
Italy1 45.3
Network4 63.9
Ba7 61.7