1696185650 Live from the universe of Pare – Le Soleil

Live from the universe of Paré – Le Soleil

And it is the world of Ti-Mé, Thérèse, Réjean, Rénald, Caro and Lison – the Paré family – that we discovered through the favorites of the actors of La Petite Vie, the cult Radio-Canada show that returns on Tuesday becomes ICI Tou.tv EXTRA.

Rémy Girard accompanies Shirley Théroux in his great classic <em>Un homme</em>.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-le-soleil-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/C6OusaaUfGghptg2ENlQCt_s3kM=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95)/cloudfront-us-east- 1.images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/WV6UJOTOSNDILKP2B2NWMCR6OQ.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Rémy Girard accompanies Shirley Théroux in his great classic “Un homme”. (Eric Myre/ICI Tele)

From the first minutes of the show we felt the energy, or rather the synergy, between the six actresses surrounding the presenter, who, it must be said, struggled to maintain a little order because the guests wanted to tell each other.

Amid the barrage of questions and random answers, Claude Meunier confessed that two broadcasters had said no to his project. “They wanted the bed to be upright and for Moman to be a woman,” he admitted.

Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais played La Bamba.

The opening

The opening number, as is tradition with this set, featured a medley, this time consisting of all the guests’ favorites.

Antoine Gratton was first at the organ to bring in Guylaine Tanguay, Claude Meunier’s favorite. Marcel Leboeuf, great friend of Diane Lavallée, followed, as well as Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais, Chantal Lamarre, Pierre Flynn and Stéphane Moraille from the group Bran Van 3000.

We then gave a grand nod to Serge Thériault in the Trois Accords song “Elle s’appelle Serge”, sung by Pierre-Yves Roy-Desmarais.

Breen LeBoeuf and his song <em>Rock de v’lours</em>.  brought back memories of Offenbach for Guylaine Tremblay.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-le-soleil-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/3gQCh1gb-iDoRhSukhklFH7dkb8=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality( 95)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/JZKAPHXUNJFZRB3V7236GPU7IA.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Breen LeBoeuf and her song Rock de v’lours. brought back memories of Offenbach for Guylaine Tremblay. (Eric Myre/ICI Tele)


Breen Leboeuf with Rock de v’lour, Rémy Girard and Shirley Théroux in Un homme, Fabien Cloutier and Élise Guilbault – who surprised their friends Marc Labrèche and Josée Deschênes in Les Plaisirs Démodés – and finally Hubert Lenoir, who completed his interpretation of Come Together This segment is completely immersed in nostalgia.

Hubert Lenoir, favorite of several actors <em>La Petite Vie</em>offers you his interpretation of <em>Come together</em> on.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-le-soleil-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/nVh_niAQBeoQEbwdvm0FBIIFKhE=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95)/cloudfront-us-east -1.images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/ISQTYGK2PRB5NGZZPMZZTHO2VE.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Hubert Lenoir, favorite of several actors from La Petite Vie., offers them his interpretation of Come Together. (Eric Myre/ICI Tele)

We cannot ignore this moment when Véronique Le Flaguais and Benoit Brière reunited with their colleagues from Les Champs Élysées. We remember that the two actors played a very “awkward” French couple.

The feeling

France Beaudoin and her team revisited the questionnaire that Michel Côté filled out during his appearance on the show. At the time, the actor, who died last May, said he was touched by Claude Dubois’ song “J’ai Souvenir Encore.” It was the great Claude himself who sat on the stage to perform this piece.

Claude Dubois played <em>J’ai Souvenir Encore</em>as the team welcomed Michel Côté.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-le-soleil-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/V5o6rRwRllEPdNDbQimb66wueyc=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95) /cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/N34MI2C6JFEW3B2VJXEEAPHUXM.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Claude Dubois performed a J’ai souvenir encore as the team welcomed Michel Côté. (Eric Myre/ICI Tele)

A very strong moment in which the emotion was palpable.

It must be said that after the performance of Alexandra Stréliski, who presented the theme of La Petite Vie in her own way, we were already looking into the water.

Bernard Fortin, Luc Senay, Diane Lavallée’s sisters and Lisa Leblanc were also seen on screen during the evening.

“I am very moved this evening,” said Claude Meunier. When we were together it was pure pleasure, pure love. We had great moments every time. I think you can still feel that tonight. »

Benoit Brière and Véronique Le Flaguais meet with their friends and colleagues <em>Les Champs Elysees</em>.” src=”https://lescoopsdelinformation-le-soleil-prod.web.arc-cdn.net/resizer/V8vaVnAqDA08bEOi02zU1QegAWc=/1440×0/filters:format(jpg):quality(95)/cloudfront-us-east- 1.images.arcpublishing.com/lescoopsdelinformation/NJAB4H4UWNAQDLF66W42GN5XDA.jpg” width=”1440″ height=”0″ loading=”lazy”/></p><p class=Benoit Brière and Véronique Le Flaguais reunite with their friends and colleagues at Les Champs Élysées. (Éric Myre/ICI Télé)

The evening ended with a great wave of love for Serge Thériault, who participated in the show in his own way by sending the production team the title of a song that well describes the character of Moman: “I have a love that doesn’t want.” die.

Next week we delve into the world of French artist Zaz, who is currently on tour in Quebec.