LIVE Hamas attacks 719 anti Semitic events or incidents in

LIVE Hamas attacks: 719 anti Semitic events or incidents in France since October 7th

10/26 at 11:01 p.m


The Pentagon announces that 900 US troops are or will be deployed in the Middle East

The Pentagon spokesman announced this evening that approximately 900 American troops have been or will be deployed to the Middle East.

Pat Ryder made it clear that the deployed units were not intended to go to Israel, but were intended to “support regional deterrence efforts and further strengthen the protective capabilities of American forces.”

10/26 at 9:44 p.m

EU leaders call for “humanitarian corridors” and “breaks” in Gaza

At a summit in Brussels this evening, European leaders expressed “concern” about the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza and called for the establishment of “humanitarian corridors” and “breaks” to respond to humanitarian needs.

In a 19-point statement, the Twenty-Seven also stressed that the EU supported the organization of an “international peace conference” that would take place “soon”.

10/26 at 8:49 p.m

54 tons of French humanitarian aid for Gaza will be transported away on Saturday

The French Foreign Ministry announced today that a special flight will take off to Egypt on Saturday to deliver 54 tons of emergency humanitarian aid to the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

This shipment, which will be handed over to the Egyptian Red Crescent, includes emergency medical equipment, medicines, hospital equipment, emergency ventilators, solar lamps, generators and tents.

“France reiterates its call for a humanitarian ceasefire so that aid can sustainably respond to the needs of the civilian population in Gaza,” said a press release from the Quai d’Orsay.

10/26 at 8:21 p.m

719 anti-Semitic incidents were recorded in France

In an interview with Dauphiné Libéré, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin explains that “719 anti-Semitic indicators” have been registered in France since October 7th.

There are also reports of 389 arrests and talk of “liberation from hate speech”.

10/26 at 7:33 p.m

Iran warns that the US “will not be spared” if the conflict continues

At an emergency special session of the United Nations General Assembly, Iran’s foreign minister said the United States would not be “spared from fire” if Israel’s retaliation against Palestinian Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip did not stop, Portal reports.

He emphasized that Iran was “not in favor of expanding the war in the region”.

10/26 at 7:17 p.m

Hamas “estimates” that “nearly 50” Israeli hostages have been killed since the Gaza raids began

The military wing of the Palestinian Hamas today “estimated” that “nearly fifty” Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip have been killed by Israeli strikes since the war began on October 7.

A claim communicated by Telegram that could not be verified by an independent source.

10/26 at 7:07 p.m

Satellite images show the extent of destruction caused by bomb attacks in the Gaza Strip

Since October 7th and the attack by the terrorist movement, Israel has been bombarding the Palestinian territory under a state of siege. Satellite images released today provide a glimpse of the extent of the destruction in Gaza.

10/26 at 6:48 p.m

Representatives of Hamas and Iran for talks in Moscow

Russian diplomacy announced today in Moscow that it will hold talks with representatives of Hamas, which is at war with Israel, and Iran for discussion purposes. A first since the conflict began almost three weeks ago.

A Russian diplomatic source told state news agencies that the meeting with the Hamas delegation focused on the Palestinian organization’s hostages and the evacuation of foreign nationals from Gaza. However, she did not say anything about the issues discussed with the Iranian diplomat.

Unlike the United States, Russia does not consider Hamas a terrorist organization and has long-standing ties with it.

10/26 at 4:00 p.m

The Quai d’Orsay reports 35 French deaths, 9 are still missing

The State Department just released a new report on French casualties in Israel. According to the Quai d’Orsay, 35 nationals died and 9 are still missing, “some of them are Hamas hostages”.

10/26 at 3:36 p.m

Christine Lagarde believes the conflict “could drive up energy prices in the short term”

On the way to a renewed rise in energy prices? That’s what the ECB fears. During a news conference, Central Bank President Christine Lagarde said she was “very alert” to the risks posed by tensions in the Middle East.

Christine Lagarde points out that energy prices have become “less predictable” and “increasing geopolitical tensions could lead to a short-term increase.”

10/26 at 2:54 p.m

Facial recognition, geolocation: Israeli technology helps search for hostages

The Israeli technology sector is particularly dynamic. Since the Hamas attack, this local flagship has helped authorities search for the hostages.

A “command room” in Tel Aviv houses some of these brilliant minds, who, thanks to social networks, can see images of the attack and kidnappings. The details of this work can be found in our article.

10/26 at 2:37 p.m

Israel estimates it will take years to restore areas attacked by Hamas

According to a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet, it will take years for Israel to restore areas stormed by Hamas on October 7, Portal reported.

As a reminder, in the first hours of the attack, the terrorist group initially fired 5,000 rockets against central and eastern Israel while the terrorists broke through the ground barriers.

In particular, they went to Kibbutzes Beeri and Kfar Aza, leaving behind many civilians killed.

10/26 at 2:28 p.m

British “Border Force” teams stationed in Egypt

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said “Border Force teams” have been “pre-positioned” in Egypt to help their nationals leave Gaza if possible, The Independent reports.

“So if our nationals are able to pass through the Rafah border crossing, we are ready to receive them and bring them back,” he said.

“We cannot do this immediately, but when the opportunity arises we will be ready to act quickly.”

Rishi Sunak has called for a pause in fighting between Israel and Hamas to allow aid to flow to Palestinians and create a “safer environment” for British citizens to leave the enclave.

10/26 at 1:47 p.m

The 27 debate a call for “humanitarian pauses” in Gaza

European Union leaders are expected in Brussels early this afternoon to discuss a call for a humanitarian “pause” in the war between Israel and Hamas to deliver aid to the Gaza Strip.

While the 27 all strongly condemned Hamas’s unprecedented Oct. 7 attack, consensus is less strong on the issue of ending bombings in Israel’s retaliation on the enclave.

10/26 at 1:28 p.m

Hamas reports a death toll of more than 7,000 in the Gaza Strip

The Hamas Ministry of Health says 7,028 people, including 2,913 children, have been killed since Israel’s bombardment of Gaza began on October 7.

According to the ministry, 1,709 women were killed and 18,484 people were injured.

Shortly thereafter, Hamas released a nomination list of about 7,000 Palestinians killed after Washington said it had “no confidence” in their reports.

As it enters its 20th day, this war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement is the deadliest since Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from the enclave in 2005, two years before Hamas seized power there.

26/10 at 12:34

‘More relevant than ever’: Palestinian official stresses importance of two-state solution

Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad al-Maliki stressed Thursday the importance of a two-state solution for Palestine and Israel. He considers this reaction to be “more relevant than ever.”

The official also believed that this Israeli-led war against Hamas was “different” than previous ones, before calling for a ceasefire:

“This time the war Israel is waging is different. This time it’s a war of revenge.”

10/26 at 12:25 p.m

Gaza: France wants to evacuate almost 170 people, including 54 French

54 French nationals are still stuck in Gaza, Emmanuel Macron said in Cairo yesterday. Overall, the head of state pointed out that France wanted to protect “almost 170 French people, employees of our institute and rights holders”.

“We need to be taken out and taken care of. We must not be left in this mousetrap,” a member of an NGO told Le Figaro.

>> Read our special article.

10/26 at 12:20 p.m

An “empty stroller” campaign in Paris for the 30 children held hostage by Hamas

In Paris, on the Champ-de-Mars, 30 strollers were installed. Each of them features a portrait of a child, one of the 30 children held hostage by Hamas. Some are only a few months old.

The goal: to raise awareness of the Israeli cause. “We wanted humanity to regain the upper hand beyond the numbers. These names and these faces of children (…) we wanted them to speak to the hearts and consciences of the French,” explains Yonathan Arfi, president of Crif.

26/10 at 11:22

The chief rabbi assures that “no one” is happy about the victims in Gaza

According to Hamas, several thousand people were killed in the Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip. Chief Rabbi Haïm Korsia emphasizes that “no one is happy” when lives are taken.

“Who can be satisfied with civilian casualties held hostage by Hamas and used as human shields?”

26/10 at 11:14

The two religious leaders agree: “This is not a religious war”

Haïm Korsia and Chems-Eddine Hafiz agree that the conflict between Israel and Hamas is “not a religious war, but a political war.”

10/26 at 11:11 a.m

The rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris will “fight” so that “anti-Semitism does not enter the mosques”

Chems-Eddine Hafiz, rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, claims to fight daily to ensure that “anti-Semitism does not pass through French mosques.”

“It is abnormal for a Muslim to be anti-Semitic,” he says on BFMTV.

10/26 at 11:10 a.m

France’s chief rabbi deplores ‘rampant anti-Semitism’

Haïm Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France, regrets that “unfortunately” a form of “rampant anti-Semitism” prevails in France. He believes the conflict in the Middle East is “opening up anti-Semitism elsewhere in the world.”

10/26 at 11:05 a.m

The Chief Rabbi of France and the Rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris call for peace on BFMTV

Haïm Korsia, the Chief Rabbi of France, and Chems-Eddine Hafiz, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris, are guests of BFMTV. They carry a message for peace in the Middle East.

“We reacted immediately and, from October 9th, together we wrote an extremely symbolic press release that marked the words of all the representatives of the religion,” recalls Haïm Korsia.

26/10 at 10:43

According to the army, 224 people are held hostage by Hamas, and the number is increasing

The army has increased the number of people arrested by Hamas, a spokesman told Israel Hayom and Skynews media.

“A message was sent to the families of the 224 abducted people,” they report.

Several American and Israeli hostages have been released in recent days.

26/10 at 10:24

Police Chief Laurent Nuñez announces that he will “ban” the pro-Palestinian demonstration planned for Saturday in Paris.

Paris police chief Laurent Nuñez announces on France Info his intention to ban the pro-Palestine demonstration planned for this Saturday in Paris.

He believes that the organizations that initiated the demonstration suggested a form of “support for Hamas through the comments they were able to make.”

In a statement dated October 18th The Council of State left control to the prefect to decide whether these demonstrations should be banned or not.

10/26 at 9:51 a.m

Tunnels, command centers: Israel claims to have attacked 250 Hamas targets in Gaza in the last 24 hours

According to the IDF, 250 targets attributed to Hamas were attacked in the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours.

“Terrorist infrastructure, operational command centers, tunnel shafts and rocket launchers in the heart of civilian areas that fired into Israeli territory throughout the war,” the Israeli army states.

26/10 at 8:55

Australia provides Gaza with an additional $15 million

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced yesterday that he would increase promised humanitarian aid to Gaza. A further $15 million has been pledged, for a total of $25 million.

This “vital assistance” is intended to enable the purchase of water and the financing of emergency medical services.

On Wednesday, Australia called for a “humanitarian pause” in Gaza to allow the delivery of aid and safe passage for civilians.

10/26 at 8:30 a.m

“We cannot afford to rest”: BFMTV followed the rescue workers in Gaza

Salem Moustafa, father of four and a paramedic for 18 years, has been carrying out interventions continuously since October 7th. BFMTV was able to support him in his operations in Gaza.

“Sleep has become our enemy, we cannot afford to rest,” he tells us, exhausted but working hard.

As the wounded pile into ambulances, hospitals are also overwhelmed, with some having tripled the number of places in intensive care units because of the bombings.

Be careful, some images may be shocking.

More information here.

10/26 at 8:01 a.m

Finally equipped with a “speaker,” the American House of Representatives passes a resolution in support of Israel

The US House of Representatives, newly appointed after weeks of deadlock, passed a resolution supporting Israel on Wednesday.

The text, which reaffirms the United States’ support for the Jewish state that “defends itself against the barbaric war of Hamas and other terrorists,” was approved by 412 votes in favor to 10 against.

26/10 at 7:31

Macron organizes tribute to French victims of Hamas attack

Emmanuel Macron will organize a memorial service “in the coming weeks” for the French victims of the unprecedented attack in Israel by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, the presidency told AFP on Thursday.

“The President has decided to organize a memorial service in the coming weeks for the French victims of the October 7 terrorist attack in Israel,” the Elysée said.

10/26 at 7:06 a.m

The Israeli army conducted “targeted operations” with tanks in the Gaza Strip

Israel conducted “targeted operations” with tanks in the north of the country Gaza Strip On the night of Wednesday, October 25, to Thursday, October 26, 2023, the Israeli army announced this Thursday, while the start of a large-scale ground operation, promised on several occasions by the Israeli authorities, is still awaited.

“During the night, the army carried out a targeted tank attack in the northern Gaza Strip as part of its preparations for the next phases of the battle,” the military spokesman said in a statement. The soldiers “left the area” at the end of the operation, he added.

10/26 at 6:57

Joe Biden calls on Israel to “do everything in its power” to spare civilians in Gaza

US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that Israel not only had the right but also “the responsibility” to defend itself after the bloody Hamas attack, but that it must do everything possible to spare Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.

“Israel has the right and I would have the responsibility to respond to the massacre of its people,” the American president affirmed, adding: “Israel must do everything in its power, however difficult it may be, to do so to protect innocent civilians.”

10/26 at 6:46

Isaac Herzog says he is “extremely concerned” about the rise in anti-Semitism in France

An Israeli president is “extremely concerned” about Jews in France. As a guest on BFMTV this Wednesday, October 25, Isaac Herzog said he was “extremely concerned” about the increase in reports of anti-Semitic acts in France since the bloody Hamas attacks in Israel on October 7, which the gang has carried out since then bombards Gaza relentlessly.

On Monday, Gérald Darmanin announced that 588 anti-Semitic acts have been reported in France since October 7, compared to 436 anti-Semitic acts in all of 2022, according to a count published by the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (Crif). .

10/26 at 6:32

Benjamin Netanyahu says he will “also” be “held accountable”

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuadmitted this Wednesday evening, October 25th, that he must also be “held accountable” for the “security deficiencies” that made the attack by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas in Israel on October 7th possible.

“We will examine what happened carefully until the end, the failures will be investigated and everyone will be held accountable, including me. But all this will happen after the war,” Benjamin Netanyahu said in a speech.

Read the full article on

10/26 at 6:31 a.m

Emmanuel Macron returns to France after a two-day visit to the Middle East

Emmanuel Macron returned to France after a two-day visit to the Middle East, where he held meetings with heads of state and political leaders in Israel, the West Bank, Jordan and Egypt.

Before returning to France, the head of state assured in Cairo that “there are no plans at all to send French military personnel to the Gaza Strip.” The Israeli army says it is preparing a ground offensive in the Palestinian enclave in response to Hamas attacks on its territory.

“We are not escalating,” said the President of the Republic from Cairo before his return to France.

Read the full article on

26/10 at 6:25

France sends military ship to “support” hospitals in Gaza.

France has sent a navy ship to the eastern Mediterranean to “support hospitals” in Gaza, President Emmanuel Macron announced in Cairo on Wednesday, adding that a plane loaded with medical equipment would also arrive in Egypt on Thursday.

The ship left the port of Toulon (South) at around 4 p.m. “to reinforce our system in the Eastern Mediterranean, where it will join the frigates Alsace and Surcouf,” a French Navy spokesman said.

10/26 at 6:21

French military ship and plane in Middle East: Netanyahu ready to be “held accountable”

Hello everyone and welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to Middle East news, nineteen days after the Hamas attacks in Israel.

Emmanuel Macron announced the deployment of a French military ship to “support” hospitals in Gaza, where the humanitarian situation is worrying the international community. A French plane loaded with medical equipment is scheduled to arrive in Egypt on Thursday.

Benjamin Netanyahu assured that he too must be “held accountable” to the Israelis for the security failure caused by the Hamas invasion and massacre in the Hebrew state.