LIVE Hamas attacks against Israel France wishes quota political solution

LIVE Hamas attacks against Israel: France wishes "a political solution to the conflict"



Ground counteroffensive against Gaza: The Israeli army does not want to reveal any “operational elements” for the time being

When asked about an Israeli ground counter-offensive in the Gaza Strip, an Israeli army spokesman said on BFMTV this morning that they did not want to deploy any operational elements “for now.”

“We are currently conducting an intensive bombing campaign against Hamas and Islamic Jihad (…) and we have troops prepared for any eventuality on the edge of the Gaza border,” said Colonel Olivier Rafowicz.


Three foreigners were expelled from French territory because of anti-Semitic statements or actions

Government spokesman Olivier Véran announced that three foreigners have been expelled from France since Saturday because of anti-Semitic statements or actions.


Erdogan denounces “shameful methods” of the Israeli army in Gaza

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan says Israel is not behaving “like a state” in the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli army launched new raids on Wednesday in response to the bloody Hamas attack.

“Israel must not forget that if it acts as an organization and not as a state, it will end up being treated as such,” said the Turkish president, denouncing the “shameful methods” of the Israeli army.


France wants “a political solution to the conflict”

France wants to avoid “the situation of escalation” in the Middle East, explained Olivier Véran following the Council of Ministers.

The government spokesman also calls for “a political solution” to the conflict for “a lasting peace”.

“Everything must be done to prevent an escalation in the Middle East, to protect the civilian population and to prevent a conflagration,” the minister further clarified, beyond supporting Israel.


The death toll in Gaza rises to 1,055

The Israeli army’s bombing raids on the Gaza Strip killed 1,055 people and injured 5,184 others, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said.


Olivier Véran calls for “not to import the conflict”

On the fifth day of Hamas attacks against Israel, Olivier Véran called for the conflict not to be “imported” to France.

“A speech that excuses violence ultimately does not provoke violence,” the government spokesman further clarified, referring to the terrorists Amedy Coulibaly and Mohammed Merah, who both cited the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a motivation.


Mother and daughter of Hamas hostages, a French-Israeli woman testifies

Galit Dan-Jaoui, a French-Israeli woman, testifies on BFMTV after her mother and daughter were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

This resident of Kibbutz Kissoufim near the Gaza Strip says the little girl was sleeping in her grandmother’s house when Hamas terrorists invaded.

Then she receives worrying messages on her phone: “My mother tells me that there are people in her room, in her house and that they are destroying everything. My daughter leaves me a message that says, ‘Mom, I’m scared,'” this woman says angrily. “Since then, I don’t know where they are.”


Ursula von der Leyen condemns an “act of war” by Hamas

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday called Hamas’ attack on Israel on Saturday an “act of war” and reiterated the country’s right to ensure its defense.

“At the beginning of Shabbat last Saturday, the entire world woke up in horror. Hamas’ terrorist attack is an act of war. We fully support Israel’s right to defend itself. “Europe stands with Israel in this tragedy,” she said on the X Network (formerly Twitter).


The Israeli army announces the deaths of 169 soldiers in the war against Hamas

At least 169 Israeli soldiers have been killed in the fight against Hamas, four days after the Palestinian Islamist movement’s massive attack against Israel, the army said on Wednesday.

“We have informed the families of 169 fallen Israeli soldiers,” army spokesman Daniel Hagari told reporters, adding that the families of 60 people kidnapped and taken to Gaza had also been contacted.


An Israeli woman discovers a photo of her murdered grandmother on Facebook

Hamas terrorists have been regularly posting violent scenes of their crimes on social networks since Saturday.

Some families find out about the death of their loved ones this way. Like this young Israeli woman, Mor Bayder, who was met by BFMTV journalists.

Instead of waking up to the traditional message of love from her grandmother, who checked on her every day, she discovered a photo of her execution posted on her Facebook account on Saturday.

You can find the full article here.


Israel bombs southern Lebanon after new fire from Hezbollah

The Israeli army said it was bombing Lebanese territory “in response to anti-tank missiles that targeted Israeli soldiers.”

The Lebanese movement Hezbollah claimed to be the author of new shootings from southern Lebanon against Israel, claiming to be acting in response to the deaths of three of its militants killed by Israeli bombings on Monday.

In a press release, the powerful pro-Iranian formation said it had “attacked an Israeli position with guided missiles” opposite the Lebanese border village of Dhayra “in response to the Zionist attacks on Monday.”

More information here.


Pope calls for “immediate” release of hostages and fears “total siege” of Gaza

Pope Francis called for the “immediate” release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas and said he was “very concerned” about the siege on Gaza.

“I demand the immediate release of the hostages (…) Those attacked have the right to defend themselves, but I am very concerned about the total siege in which the Palestinians live in Gaza, where there are also many innocent victims.” he said after his weekly general audience in the Vatican.


Darmanin shows his support for the “protected” Jewish community in France

“It is important that all French people of Jewish faith know that they are protected,” Gérald Darmanin said this morning.

He travels with Gabriel Attal to a Jewish school in Sarcelles to show the government’s support for the Jewish community in France.

Since Saturday, the day of the Hamas attacks against Israel, there have been “more than 20 arrests” in France for anti-Semitic acts.

You can find our article about this visit here.


Images of Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip

THE Pictures from the Gaza Strip are impressive and show the extent of the strength of the Israeli response. four days after Hamas’ violent attacks against the Jewish state. The Palestinian enclave has been bombarded by Israeli army bombings since Saturday.

On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, at least thirty people were killed and hundreds injured in hundreds of air strikes.

We summarize what happened last night in our article.


Bompard accuses Hamas of “war crimes” and regrets Israel’s “revenge”

“There is an aggressor in the crimes committed: Hamas. And there are victims who are not responsible for anything,” Manuel Bompard explained on France Info this morning, referring to “war crimes.”

“These acts are part of a conflict that has unfortunately lasted too long and in which there is a colonizing state called Israel and a colonized state called Palestine,” said the La France coordinator. rebellious.

“Nothing justifies acts of this barbarism. I condemn them with all my might. And I also strongly condemn the revenge that the State of Israel is engaged in today,” the statement continued. rebellious.


The Israeli army says it has killed a Hamas “diver” who tried to enter Israel by sea

The Israeli army said it attacked Hamas “naval targets” in the Gaza Strip and killed a “diver” who was trying to enter Israel by sea.

The docks of Khan Younis and Gaza City, which were used by Hamas “for terrorist attacks on the Israeli coast,” were hit by artillery fire from rocket boats, helicopter gunships and land artillery, an IDF spokesman said on Twitter.


For Gérard Larcher, attacks against Israel are “a crime against humanity”

The President of the Senate (LR) Gérard Larcher reiterated this morning on CNews-Europe 1 that Saturday’s attacks in Israel were “a crime against humanity”.

The Israeli army said late Tuesday evening that at least 1,000 Israelis had died in Hamas attacks since Saturday, compared to 900 so far.

According to Israeli authorities, more than 2,800 people were also injured and 50 people are officially considered “hostages or missing” in the Gaza Strip.


“I hid in the bushes and counted the seconds”: a survivor of Kibbutz Beeri testifies

Mayan, 17, tells BFMTV how he survived the Hamas attack on Beeri Kibbutz, which killed around a hundred people.

“I hid in the bushes and counted the seconds,” he says.


More than 260,000 displaced people in Gaza

At least 260,000 Gazans have been displaced by Israeli airstrikes, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a statement on Tuesday, October 10.

The Gaza Strip has a total population of 2.2 million.


The Israeli army claims to have destroyed “Hamas’ aerial detection capabilities.”

The Israeli army claims to have destroyed “Hamas’ aerial detection capabilities.”

“For years, Hamas has built a network of high-quality cameras hidden in solar water heaters throughout the Gaza Strip with the aim of identifying and tracking Israeli aircraft,” an IDF spokesman said on Twitter.

“Yesterday, in targeted operations, the air force attacked every site in the network within minutes, destroying Hamas’s ability to have a clear view of the skies, aiding its efforts to target IDF aircraft,” he added.


Israel bombs a Hamas-affiliated university in the Gaza Strip

Israeli warplanes bombed an Islamic university in the Gaza Strip linked to the Palestinian movement Hamas on Wednesday.

“Hamas converted a university into a training camp for weapons development and military intelligence,” the IDF explains.


“It was a bloodbath,” says a survivor of the Beeri massacre

Hamas terrorists killed at least 100 Israelis on Saturday in the kibbutz (village) of Beeri, less than 10 kilometers from the Gaza border. Traumatized survivors tell BFMTV about the extent of the massacre.

“They had only one goal: to kill as many people as possible. It was a bloodbath. Why am I alive? It’s just bad luck. It was completely arbitrary which house they would start with,” explains one of them.


The special flight to repatriate the “weakest” French people will leave Tel Aviv on Thursday at 4:40 p.m

Since the attacks began, flight connections have become less frequent. The French government and Air France have announced the operation of a special flight that will depart from Tel Aviv this Thursday at 4:40 p.m. and arrive in Paris Charles de Gaulle at 8:35 p.m.

The embassy states that this flight aims to “repatriate compatriots considered the most vulnerable French nationals traveling through and residing in Israel.”

“People particularly at risk (especially unaccompanied minors and pregnant women) who have a disability or are in a critical medical situation (hospitalization) are particularly affected.”

“Regular air traffic to Tel Aviv remains suspended at this time until further notice,” writes Air France, adding that it will reassess the situation on site “daily.”


The German Shani Louk, who was declared dead, is she still alive?

The 22-year-old German-Israeli girl who took part in the “Supernova Sukkot” festival and whose family, who thought she was dead thanks to her distinctive tattoos, was identified, could still be alive.

Her mother claimed to German media that she had received news about her presumably alive daughter through several channels. According to the news site daily NewsShe is said to be seriously injured in a hospital in the Gaza Strip.

>> Read the full article on


In several cities, the national anthem Hatikvah was sung from the windows of buildings

Unity in the face of horror. On Tuesday evening, dozens of Israelis sang their country’s anthem from their windows in the streets of the country’s largest cities. Impressive images of Hatikvah (Hope, in Hebrew) being chanted in the streets of Tel Aviv have been shared on social media.


The death toll in Israel rises to “1,200 dead”.

As a spokesman for the Israeli army announced early on Wednesday morning, the death toll from attacks in Israel has now risen to “1,200”.

The attack left “more than 2,700 injured” on the Israeli side, Jonathan Conricus added in a video published on the social network X.


Two pro-Palestinian demonstrations were banned by police headquarters in Paris on Thursday

Two pro-Palestinian demonstrations scheduled to take place in Paris on Thursday were banned on the orders of Paris Police Prefect Laurent Nunez, the Paris Police Headquarters (PP) told AFP on Tuesday evening.

This ban was made “taking into account the risks of disturbing public order,” explained the police headquarters. The two demonstrations were scheduled to take place at 6 p.m. on the Place de la République.

Read our article here.


Israel regains control of its border with Gaza

Israel said it has regained partial control of its border with the Gaza Strip, which has been besieged and shelled by Israeli attacks, after a four-day war against the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas that has already left thousands dead.


The Israeli army reports at least 1,000 dead, 2,800 injured and 50 hostages

The Israeli army said late Tuesday evening that at least 1,000 Israelis had died in Hamas attacks since Saturday, compared to 900 so far.

According to Israeli authorities, more than 2,800 people were also injured and 50 people are officially considered “hostages or missing” in the Gaza Strip.

According to the IDF, 2,294 Hamas targets were also destroyed.


Argentina is repatriating more than 1,200 of its nationals from Israel

According to official sources, Argentina began repatriating more than 1,200 of its nationals from Israel on Tuesday by sending its first military aircraft to Tel Aviv.

“We will operate three flights a day to evacuate Argentinians who are on a list of 1,246 applicants received by the Foreign Ministry,” Defense Minister Jorge Taiana said.


Hello everyone

Welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to current events in Israel the Hamas attack this Saturday, October 7th.