1688116584 Live Second day of reading TddL

Live: Second day of reading TddL

At the invitation of Philipp Tingler, Sophie Klieeisen reads the text “Taube Fruits”. The first-person narrator is a journalist and reports the inauguration of the rebuilt Palace of Berlin, which replaces the Palace of the Republic built by the GDR. It houses the Humboldt Forum with a universal museum. The narrator finds Grabowski in the foyer. Specialist in Prussian cultural history, chairman of the specialist commission of historians “Historical center of Berlin” in the German Bundestag, advisory board of the homonymous city commission and the homonymous committee of the Chamber of Deputies, honorary member of the Friends of the Dome Building. He tells about various horse deals with the GDR and noble families. Later, Grabowski secretly stuffs a page of a report into his pocket before security escorts him out of the building. The report is about the fact that the People’s Palace was in ruins when it was built. The jury’s discussion was shaped by whether the text was a report or not – more about that on LIVE: The second day of reading has begun.

Sophie Klieeisen reading

ORF Sophie Klieeisen

Second reading on mother-child conflicts

As the second author, Martin Piekar reads the text “Talking to walls/Poles are difficult people” at the invitation of Klaus Kastberger. The first-person narrator recalls his youth with his drinking mother. She worked at a nursing home and had a staff apartment. The growing son plays World of Warcraft, listens to heavy metal, cooks and goes to school. Mom works, watches court programs on TV and drinks. The father is back in Poland. She talked loudly to herself, which irritated her son and ended up driving him almost crazy. He tells his mother to make friends, but she doesn’t want that.

A back-and-forth between a lonely elderly mother and a growing son. She tells of her own father, the German Nazi, who impregnated her mother with twins in the Gulag. How the Russians destroyed the packages he sent to the mother and son. The daughter flees Poland for Germany until she can catch up with her mother. And when she talks about the past, she tells her son that he’s only alive because she managed to come to Germany. She has left Poland behind and is finally dreaming in German.

Family Saga and Cleaning Enthusiast

On the first day of reading, Jayrome C. Robinet, Andreas Stichmann, Valeria Gordeev and Anna Gien read their texts. Gordeev’s text about a neurotic man who is obsessed with cleanliness was evaluated positively. Robinet’s performance was well received and even made one of the judges cry. Stichmann’s text on everyday clinical practice received friendly reviews. The jury was split when it came to Anna Gien’s writing — more on that in Day One First Favourites.

live voting

Yevgeniy Breyger, Mario Wurmitzer, Laura Leupi and Deniz Utlu will be on Saturday from 10am – more on that in reading order in 2023.

The prize winners will be determined on Sunday according to a new method: At the beginning of the award ceremony on Sunday, the jury members will present their evaluation points live. The legal advisor assumes the task of summing up these voting results and using them to create the list of contest winners, which is announced successively, based on the 3sat prize.

In addition to the Bachmann Prize (EUR 25,000), these include the Deutschlandfunk Prize (EUR 12,500), the Kelag Prize (EUR 10,000), the 3sat Prize (EUR 7,500) and the BKS Bank Audience Prize (EUR 7,000 plus a city writer’s grant ). ).