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Live trial of Kevin Spacey: US actor in court for sexual assault – BBC

Kevin Spacey live trial: US actor in court on sexual assault charges – BBC News

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  • The trial of US actor Kevin Spacey is underway in London
  • Four men are charged with 12 counts of sexual assault, which he denies
  • In their opening statement, prosecutors claim Spacey is a “sexual bully.”
  • He’s a “man who doesn’t respect personal boundaries or spaces, a man who seems to take pleasure in making others feel powerless and uncomfortable,” says Christine Agnew KC
  • The alleged victims are now between 30 and 40 years old, and the incidents are said to have occurred between 2001 and 2013
  • A complainant was attacked after writing to Spacey to ask for his mentor, prosecutors allege
  • The trial is expected to last between three and four weeks – you won’t be able to view it, but there will be text updates here
  • Warning – this page contains sexual innuendos and may be disturbing to readers