LIVE War in Ukraine Biden reassures Eastern European leaders in

LIVE War in Ukraine: Biden reassures Eastern European leaders in Warsaw over Putin


France is monitoring the “activities” of Chinese companies that could help Russia

France monitors the activities of companies Chinese companies could help Russia the French foreign minister said on Tuesday as the Sino-Russian rapprochement worries more and more westerners.

“There are private Chinese companies whose activities we are closely monitoring,” said Catherine Colonna, interviewed on France 5 about a potential China-Russia strategic partnership.

>> Our article


In the face of Vladimir Putin, Joe Biden reassured the heads of state and government in Eastern Europe this Wednesday in Warsaw

US President Joe Biden is meeting in Warsaw this Wednesday with the group of nine leaders of the NATO countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in the presence of the Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance, to assure them of Washington’s “unwavering” support against Moscow on the day after a belligerent speech by Vladimir Putin.

This demonstration of support planned for the Presidential Palace in Warsaw aims to reassure these nine countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) whose common point is that they are former members of the Soviet Union or the Warsaw Pact and on the eastern flank of NATO.


Ukraine is hoping for Macron’s visit in March

The invitation to French President Emmanuel Macron to visit Kiev is “still relevant” and Ukrainian officials hope it will take place soon, Ukrainian Ambassador to France Vadym Omelchenko said on Tuesday.

When asked on Radio RTL that US President Joe Biden had traveled to Kiev and not the French President, the diplomat emphasized that the invitation had been sent “of course”. “Unfortunately, he couldn’t come,” he continued, adding that that invitation was “still valid.” “We hope that this visit will possibly take place in March,” he also said.


Long-distance duel between Biden and Putin, a year after the start of the Russian invasion

While the President of the Russian Federation addressed the Duma and assured that he wanted to “carefully” continue his offensive in Ukraine, the US President assured from Warsaw that Ukraine “will never be a victory for Russia”.

>> Our article


Offensive in Ukraine, West, arms deliveries… What to remember from Putin’s speech

The Russian President gave his traditional speech to parliamentarians on Tuesday to take stock of the past year and set a new strategic course. He reiterated his desire to continue the Russian offensive in Ukraine and widely criticized the role played by Westerners.

>> We summarize his speech in this article


Hello everyone

And good morning. Welcome to this Direct Message dedicated to monitoring the news of the war in Ukraine this Wednesday, February 22, 2023.