Live War in Ukraine Kiev claims to have shot down

Live, War in Ukraine: Kiev claims to have shot down twenty four Russian drones during the night

Residential building hit in Kiev, two injured

“A residential building in Kiev was hit by a Shahed,” an Iranian-made drone that Moscow regularly uses to attack Ukraine, Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian presidential administration, wrote on Telegram this Thursday evening.

The incident occurred in the Solomiansky district in the southwest of the capital, with “flames on the upper floors” of the building, the capital's mayor Vitali Klitschko added on Telegram. One man was hospitalized in the area and another received medical treatment at the scene, he added, without giving further details.

This is the first incident of its kind in the Ukrainian capital in months. While Kiev is regularly attacked by Russian drone and missile attacks, most of them are shot down by air defenses.

The air alarm was sounded in Kiev late in the evening. Shortly afterwards, residents heard loud explosions. City Hall initially announced that air defense was deployed in the city and urged residents to stay in emergency shelters.

The city's military administration published photos on Telegram of apartments with floor-to-ceiling windows blown out by explosions. She said it was not a drone attack, but rather fragments of a downed drone.

Shortly afterwards, Mr Klitschko announced that debris from another drone shot down by air defense had fallen on a single-family home in the Darnytsky district in the east of the city. The Ukrainian Air Force reported that several groups of drones were advancing across the country towards various regions in the center, west and south of the country.