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Live, war in Ukraine: the latest information

Cover photo: A Ukrainian deminer in the Kherson region, November 9, 2023. VIACHESLAV RATYNSKYI / Portal

  • Germany wants to make its army the “backbone” of defense in Europe
    Berlin has issued new defense policy guidelines. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius reiterated at a conference in Berlin that “Germany’s partners in Europe, North America and around the world” expect us to “assume our responsibility.”
  • To believe that Ukraine will negotiate with Moscow, one must be “misinformed” or “deceived,” Kiev said
    According to Western media, some of Kiev’s allies have begun to raise the issue of peace talks with Russia amid a lack of major movements on the front lines in a year and concerns about the West’s ability to continue supporting Ukraine in its war.
  • Ukraine will spend half of its 2024 budget on defense and security
    Nearly half of Ukraine’s budget spending will go to defense and security in 2024, according to the bill voted on by parliament on Thursday after nearly two years of Russian invasion that has devastated the country’s economy. Defense and security spending will reach almost 43.9 billion euros next year.
  • Truck blockade: According to Kiev, more than 20,000 vehicles on the border between Ukraine and Poland
    Since the beginning of the week, Polish truck drivers have been blocking the passage to denounce “unfair” competition from their neighbors. Kiev believes that this blockage will harm the economies of both countries, but also those of “other countries” that want to transport goods.
  • The European Parliament is calling for an embargo on Russian liquid gas
    MEPs expressed concern about existing gaps in the sanctions packages already adopted by the European Union following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
  • France’s military aid to Ukraine is estimated at 3.2 billion euros
    In response to criticism from those who believe Paris is not doing enough to help Kiev, a parliamentary report details the cost of arms supplies and military training to Ukraine.
  • Washington and Seoul condemn Pyongyang’s arms sales to Moscow
    North Korean leader Kim Jong-un traveled to the Russian Far East in September, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to Seoul, this meeting was followed by several arms shipments. It is estimated that North Korea provided Russia with one million shells for its war in Ukraine in return for the transfer of space technologies.

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