LIVE War in Ukraine Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden clash

LIVE War in Ukraine: Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden clash over interlocution TF1 INFO

Wednesday February 22, 2023



“A year ago, Ukraine was shocked by this big war started by the Kremlin, the population was scared,” Yulia Tymoshenko, former Prime Minister of Ukraine, recalled to LCI. “A year later, we see how united the Ukrainian nation has become, how strong and invincible the people and armed forces have become. I want to thank France for unity.”

“Everywhere in Ukraine there is high alert for anti-aircraft attacks,” she continues from Kiev. “There could be new gunfire and grenades. Despite all these missiles, the Kremlin and Putin have not achieved their goals. They wanted to conquer Kiev and destroy the unity of the free world. They all missed their targets, it is our common victory today.”



Putin and Biden speeches, Russian economy… Back to the most important information of the last 24 hours.


Posted today at 8:36



On February 22, 2014, then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from office by Parliament. This coup, after long months of demonstrations, marks the beginning of the deterioration in relations between Kiev and Moscow.


Posted today at 9:00 am



The day after a very vehement address to the nation, the Kremlin chief is scheduled to speak again at 1 p.m. at Moscow’s Olympic Stadium, where 200,000 people are expected.


“kingdom of lies”

“Russia has become the realm of lies under Putin,” Dominique Moïsi, geopolitician, special adviser at the Montaigne Institute, also added to LCI, returning to statements by the Kremlin chief who accused Washington and its European allies of “wanting to end.” from “Russia. During his address to the nation on Tuesday, “Vladimir Putin’s point is to say to his own side: ‘Look, this war was forced on us, it was needed more than ever.’ ‘State undeniable,’ he said.

But “a majority of Russians are following Putin, following the aggressor West,” but “they are not necessarily prepared to die for this worldview,” the expert continued. “Today we see no alternative to Putin, he would be replaced by a right-wing extremist, even more nationalist,” he also assessed, describing “a paranoid, irrational leader who, however, is followed by the majority of the Russian people”. . “I have the impression that his cynicism as a KGB agent was serving his paranoia yesterday,” the expert also judged.


Nuclear: “The escalade is undeniable”

Vladimir Putin gave a vehement speech on Tuesday, in which he primarily attacked Westerners, whom he blamed for the Ukraine conflict. “The escalation on the part of Putin, who suspended his participation in the last major treaty that characterized the Cold War, is undeniable, he is not neutral,” said Dominique Moïsi, geopolitician, special adviser at the Montaigne Institute, on LCI New Start Treaty on Nuclear Weapons. “We can say we’re in the symbol, but it’s a heavy symbol, especially disturbing and destabilizing,” he added.

As for the nuclear threats waved again by the Kremlin chief, “there has never been a more disturbing and destabilizing signal since the beginning of the war,” he estimated. “The summit dialogue on nuclear deterrence has all but disappeared between Washington and Moscow,” he lamented.



According to the LCI correspondent in Moscow, Vladimir Putin will speak again this Wednesday afternoon at 1 p.m. at the Olympic Stadium in Moscow, where the annexation of Crimea was celebrated. According to several Russian press agencies, a huge meeting in front of 200,000 people is expected, a real show of force he intends to use against the West.



The head of Russia’s paramilitary group Wagner on Tuesday accused his country’s general staff of “treason” for refusing to provide equipment to his mercenaries on the front lines in eastern Ukraine. Rejected allegations by the Russian Defense Ministry, which claimed not to have restricted supplies of ammunition to front-line volunteers without mentioning these allegations.

“All ammunition requests for assault units will be fulfilled as soon as possible,” he said, according to a statement quoted by The Guardian. He promised new deliveries for Saturday and denounced the bottlenecks as “absolutely false” reports. “Attempts to create a split within the close interaction and support mechanism between units of Russian (combat) groups are counterproductive and serve only to the advantage of the enemy,” he wrote.



US President Joe Biden meets with the group of nine leaders of the NATO countries of Central and Eastern Europe in Warsaw on Wednesday in the presence of the Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance to assure them of Washington’s “unwavering” support to Moscow the day after one bellicose speech by Vladimir Putin.

Joe Biden “will meet with leaders of the Bucharest Nine (B9), a group of NATO allies on our eastern flank, in the presence of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, to reaffirm the United States’ unwavering support for the security of the Alliance.” , the President said in a statement from the White House.

This demonstration of support planned for the Presidential Palace in Warsaw aims to reassure these nine countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) whose common point is that they are former members of the Soviet Union or the Warsaw Pact and on the eastern flank of NATO.



The UN General Assembly meets on Wednesday, the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with Kiev and its allies hoping to garner the broadest support for a resolution calling for a “just and lasting” peace.

The draft resolution, supported by around 60 countries, “emphasizes the need to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine as soon as possible, in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter”. At the end of the debates, which will start at 3pm (8pm GMT, 9pm in France) and last at least until Thursday, it will have to be voted on.

Like previous resolutions, the text reaffirms “attachment” to “the territorial integrity of Ukraine”, “demands” the immediate withdrawal of Russian forces and calls for a “cessation of hostilities”.



Chinese diplomat chief Wang Yi will meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow on Wednesday. According to the Tass news agency, he could meet Vladimir Putin during his visit to the Russian capital.

The United States this week accused China of supplying arms to Russia to support its offensive in Ukraine, which Beijing denies. For its part, France is monitoring the activities of Chinese companies that could provide aid to Russia, the French foreign minister said on Tuesday.



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