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LIVE War in Ukraine: Zelenskyy visits the city of Kherson, which was retaken from the Russians


G20: Russian foreign minister spokeswoman denies Sergei Lavrov was hospitalized

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the chief of Russian diplomacy, denies that Sergei Lavrov was hospitalized, Portal reported on Monday, calling it a “massive fraud”.

The spokesman shared a video of Sergei Lavrov apparently healthy on Telegram to back up his statements.

The Associated Press, citing Indonesian authorities, previously claimed the Russian foreign minister was taken to a hospital in Bali where he is traveling as part of the G20.

The governor of Bali, for his part, confirms that Sergei Lavrov visited the hospital, but of short duration for a simple health check.


Russian foreign minister hospitalized after arrival in Bali, Indonesian authorities say

The head of Russia’s diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov, was hospitalized after arriving at the G20 summit in Bali on Sunday evening, Indonesian authorities said, the Associated Press reported Monday morning.


Volodymyr Zelenskyy visits the city of Kherson for the first time since it was retaken from the Russians

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Monday visited Kherson, a key city in the south of the country that was retaken from the Russians last week, a source inside the Ukrainian presidency told AFP.

Russian troops had withdrawn from Kherson a few days earlier after an eight-month occupation, clearing the way for Ukrainian soldiers to enter the city on Friday.


Why did the watermelon become the symbol of the city of Kherson?

It thrives on social networks, is the subject of photomontages when not taken directly by certain Ukrainian soldiers who take pictures of themselves with the enormous fruit. But what is the watermelon doing in the Ukraine conflict?

It is made in the Kherson region and has become a symbol of the Ukrainian resistance and recapture of the city from the Russians following last week’s victory.

>> All explanations can be found in our video.


Emmanuel Macron arrived in Bali for the G20, the conflict in Ukraine is the focus of concern

Emmanuel Macron arrived on Monday for the G20 summit on the Indonesian island of Bali, which France expects to appeal to Russia to engage in a “logic of de-escalation” in Ukraine, the Elysee said.

However, discussions between Westerners on the one hand and China, India and countries of the South on the other, which, like Indonesia, refuse to directly condemn Russia, promise to be difficult.

The conflict in Ukraine, while not officially at the peak, will be the focus of concern between rising energy and food prices and fears of a nuclear escalation.

Emmanuel Macron arrives for the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia on November 14, 2022Emmanuel Macron arrives for the G20 in Bali, Indonesia on November 14, 2022 © Ludovic MARIN / AFP


Macron says France must “double its efforts” to allow Ukrainians to “hibernate”.

The head of state told France Inter on Monday that France must “double its efforts” to allow Ukrainians to “hibernate”.

“We still have to use diplomacy to try and get everyone back together,” he called out again.

Emmanuel Macron took the opportunity to recall the efforts of France, which is providing Ukraine with “artillery and defensive anti-missile systems” as well as “humanitarian” assistance.


Russian ideologue Alexander Dugin reiterates his support for Putin after Kherson withdrawal

Russian ultra-nationalist ideologue Alexander Dugin, who is considered one of the staunchest supporters of the offensive in Ukraine, has pledged his loyalty to Vladimir Putin despite Moscow’s defeat in the Ukrainian city of Kherson.

“The West (…) has started to spread a falsification (fake) according to which I and Russian patriots have turned away from Putin since the capitulation of Kherson and allegedly demanded his departure,” Alexander Dugin said on Telegram on Saturday evening.

“To suffer from the loss of Kherson is one thing. But our relationship with the Supreme Commander is different. We are loyal to Putin and will support the military operation (in Ukraine) and Russia to the end,” he added.

9:00 am

Recapture of Kherson: General Palomeros believes that “Putin will not recognize this defeat”

After the recapture of Kherson, General Jean-Paul Paloméros assures BFMTV that “Putin will not recognize this defeat”.

“He will leave it to the military leaders to explain that this is a strategic retreat and he will try to seize another opportunity to hit back in a different way,” he analyses.


General Paloméros believes that financial support for Ukraine must continue “if we want this European country to remain sovereign”.

While France and many Western allies in Kyiv continue to provide military and financial aid to Ukraine, General Jean-Paul Paloméros on BFMTV believes that aid must continue.

“The Ukrainians need global help, their economy was turned upside down by Putin,” he claims, specifying that “the effort is considerable and needs to be measured.”

“If we want this European country to remain sovereign, these efforts must be supported,” he said.


Cyber ​​attacks: General Paloméros believes France ‘has the guns’ but ‘that we are in an asymmetric war’

Faced with Russian cyberattacks that have repeatedly killed France, like other NATO countries, General Jean-Paul Paloméros believes that France “has the guns” but that “we are in an asymmetric war”. “The attackers are always up to speed,” he said.

In response, he calls for “preparing together” and considering means of retaliation by groups known to be sponsored by the Chinese or Russia.”


Recapture of Kherson: According to General Palomeros, a “nice victory” but not a “decisive victory” for Ukraine

The resumption of Kherson last week was a “major victory” but not a “decisive victory,” General Jean-Paul Paloméros, former chief of staff of the Air Force and former allied commander of NATO, said on BFMTV this Monday.

He believes that “the Russians withdrew in good order” and recalls that Moscow “still controls 60% of the Kherson province”.


Vladimir Putin, absent from the G20, which begins in Bali on Tuesday

An absentee who will no doubt be noticed. Vladimir Putin has decided not to go to the G20 summit, which takes place in Bali, Indonesia, starting Tuesday.

“This decision (not to come) was made by the head of state personally, it is related to his agenda and the need for his presence in Russia,” said Russian Presidency spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

But in the context of the war in Ukraine, it illustrates Russia’s growing isolation on the international stage. On the other hand, the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov, has already arrived on the spot.


Zelenskyi accuses the Russians of “atrocities” in Kherson

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has accused Russian forces of committing “atrocities” in Kherson days after Ukrainians retook the city.

“The bodies of those killed are being found: civilians and soldiers. In the Kherson region, the Russian army left behind the same atrocities as in other regions of our country that it was able to penetrate,” said Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday evening during his daily address.


For Washington, ending the war in Ukraine is the best way to restore the world economy

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, in an apparent message to Russia ahead of the G20 summit in Indonesia on Monday, said ending the war in Ukraine was the best way to address the world economy’s woes.

“Ending Russia’s war is a moral imperative and quite simply the best thing that can be done for the global economy,” Janet Yellen told reporters on the sidelines of a meeting with her French counterpart Bruno Le Maire.


Zelenskyy accuses Russia of at least 400 “war crimes”.

In his address on Sunday evening, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claimed that 400 Russian “war crimes” had been documented, without specifying whether they only affected the Kherson region.

“The bodies of civilians and soldiers are being found by the Ukrainian authorities in the liberated areas,” he lamented.


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Welcome to this live dedicated to monitoring the war in Ukraine this Monday November 14, 2022