Livia Brito reveals to her father the actor Rolando Brito

Livia Brito reveals to her father, the actor Rolando Brito, the gifts from Fidel and Raúl Castro: a car and a…

Cuban actress Livia Brito revealed the gifts that Fidel Castro and his brother Raúl one day presented to their father, the esteemed actor Rolando Brito.

During an interview with Mexican host and producer Yordi Rosado, Livia said that thanks to the fact that her father was one of the most important actors in Cuba, she benefited from the high leadership of the Cuban government.

The protagonist of “La desalmada” related that her family went through the same economic hardship as the rest of Cubans.

“My parents said they didn’t even have a home,” she clarified, before adding that when she and her older sister were very young, the family spent time with friends and in hotels.

“Later on, Raúl Castro gave my father an apartment because he was doing the Che Guevara series. And Fidel Castro gave him the car that still exists,” he said.

Despite this, the actress emphasized that there is no such thing as opulence in her house. In fact, the salaries were not enough, and his mother, who was a classical dancer, came up with the idea of ​​using the car given to her by the dictator as a tourist taxi.

“My mother says that when we came home from school her soul would break, we would look at her and say, ‘Mom, I’m hungry.’ And she didn’t even have a piece of bread to give us,” she lamented.

“We went through the same hardships that everyone else went through, we didn’t have any money, we didn’t have anything to eat. Even though he was on TV we had the same thing and it was very difficult for his ego to be a cab driver because people would come and say, ‘But what? Are you a taxi driver?” Kind of disparaging the job of a taxi driver, meaning I earn the money to feed my daughters, I gotta do what I gotta do,” he pointed out.

As Livia explained, there were many difficult times for the family and there were even days when they went hungry.

“Lunch was rice with beans and I was hungry, so was my sister. Meat, let alone meat, didn’t exist. It was special days when there was pork steak,” he added.

Despite all these problems, the artist pointed out that she had a very happy childhood with a lot of freedom because she played a lot with her friends in the street and liked to run and move.

In this interview, the Cuban made it public sexual violence suffered by her ex-partner, Colombian singer Danny Frankwith whom he was together for 11 years.

“Danny arrived at six in the morning completely drunk and compulsively making love. I was extremely tired and he got to the point where he raped me,” he said.

The young woman emphasized that her partner suffers from alcoholism and works until the early hours. When he got home, he told her that it was her “duty” to be with him because “the wife has to give sex to her husband”.

On a few occasions, Livia says, he even hit her in order to have sex with her.