1656376818 Local clinics are ready to welcome them

Local clinics ready to welcome them

Quebec abortion clinics say they are ready to welcome American women who want to terminate a pregnancy, but they believe travel will remain too complicated and expensive.

• Also read: Abortion rights: American women “always welcome,” says Valérie Plante

“We decided to stick together. When women from the United States call us, we will welcome them with open arms,” says Patricia LaRue, director of the Clinique des femmes de l’Outaouais.

However, she does not know whether these calls will go through.

” It is possible [que des Américaines se tournent vers le Québec] ‘ believes Jessica Legault of the Quebec Federation for Planning Births (FQPN).

A corridor of services

She says she spoke to a Montreal-based American activist who would like to create a corridor of services for American women, but nothing concrete has been achieved.

Local clinics ready to welcome them

With kind approval

Patricia LaRue, Women’s Clinic

She points out that last Friday’s decision by the US Supreme Court, which allows states to ban abortion, will have an impact for several years to come.

“This decision will be made primarily by women who do not have the means to pay for an abortion, let alone travel,” adds France Désilets of the Morgentaler Clinic in Montreal.

In addition, abortion is legal in all states bordering Quebec.

But Ms Legault argues that states want to ban women from traveling for this procedure, or even ban the abortion pill, which is still widely available in the mail throughout the United States.

Notably, abortion clinics are noting that this American decision is shaking up anti-abortion activists in Quebec.

“We are not immune to Quebec, there are very active anti-choice groups,” Ms. Désilets continues.

In response to the repeal of Roe v. Wade in the United States, Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante said yesterday Quebecers should prepare to welcome American women who want to protect themselves from abortion rights.

– With the agency QMI

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