1707797751 Lohikeitto the Finnish salmon soup The Comidista gastronomy

Lohikeitto, the Finnish salmon soup | The Comidista | gastronomy

Lohikeitto the Finnish salmon soup The Comidista gastronomy

There are never too many soup recipes. Winter always returns, as does our desire to fill ourselves with liters of steaming broth, noodles, vegetables and legumes. Since we still have a few weeks of soup enjoyment ahead of us, an increase in the range of recipes is more than justified. Salmon soup or Lohikeitto is very common in Nordic countries, especially Finland and Sweden. It contains the ingredients commonly associated with these cold regions: potatoes, fish, dairy and dill; And like any dish made while it's snowing outside the window, it's comforting, satisfying and satisfying.

Aside from chopping and stirring multiple times, this soup is made on its own and only requires one pot. The leek and carrot are very poached, but it is better to leave the salmon for last and add it a few minutes before serving so that it is perfectly poached and juicy. Of all the ingredients, however, it's the cream and dill that make it extra special.

Is it mandatory to use homemade fish stock? No, but it's better. When we make the broth at home, we can use parts of the food that would otherwise end up in the trash – bones, fish heads, vegetable scraps – and we can also make it in bulk and freeze it. What kind of frozen broth do you have? Ideal. If not, get a good quality device, we will not send the Comidista police to your home.

Time: 25 minutes

Difficulty: Not existent


For 4 people

  • 2 butter spoons
  • 1 leek
  • 1 or 2 carrots
  • 750 ml fish stock
  • 200 ml cooking cream
  • 500g salmon
  • 2 large potatoes
  • Fresh dill for serving
  • Salt
  • Black pepper



Chop leek and carrot. Put the first one in a pot with the butter. Poach over medium-low heat.


Cover with the broth. Add the peeled and diced potatoes and carrots.

3. 4.

Cook over medium heat for 10-15 minutes until the potatoes are tender.


Add the cream and the salmon cut into bite-sized pieces. Cook for two minutes.


Serve with dill and black pepper.

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