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London demands Israel ceasefire to deliver aid news

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has called on Israel to impose a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in order to provide more aid to the suffering population in the Palestinian territory.

“We need an immediate humanitarian pause to deliver aid and free hostages, followed by a sustainable ceasefire,” Cameron said today. He urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to open more border crossings and allow more trucks carrying aid supplies to pass through.

“The extent of the suffering in Gaza is unimaginable. “More needs to be done and we need to act faster to help people in this desperate situation,” said the former prime minister.

During his visit to Israel, he also advocated a two-state solution. Cameron said he stressed that a political strategy was needed to achieve long-term peace.

First delivery today

Britain is working with Qatar to bring more aid to the Gaza Strip, Cameron said. A first joint delivery of tents will be transported today to Egypt and then transported by land to the Gaza Strip.

Cameron is currently on a trip to the Middle East exploring options for a solution to end the Gaza war and free the remaining hostages kidnapped by the radical Islamic group Hamas in its attack on Israel on October 7.

Yesterday he met with Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Israel denies blocking aid in its war against Hamas.