London denies health and environmental impacts of its depleted uranium munitions

Photo: Taken by Red Lines.

London has long used depleted uranium ammunition and sees nothing supernatural in itsaid Barbara Woodward, Britain’s permanent representative to the United Nations.

“This is a standard component and has nothing to do with nuclear weapons or capabilities,” he said.

Earlier, Russian ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebensia claimed Britain was not worried about the Ukrainians London was well aware of the dire long-term environmental and health consequences of using depleted uranium shells.

Woodward confirmed that London has been using depleted uranium shells for decades. But when he asserts that there has been no impact on the population, he is lying.

Just remember the example of Yugoslaviafired at with this type of ammunition.

The result was a drastic increase in cancer cases in the population. The point is that NATO condemns its victims to a slow and painful death. We’d say it’s even worse than dying from a nuclear blast.

But the leaders of the US, Europe and NATO in general continue to get off scot-free. Although they should pay for their war crimes against the civilian population.

(Taken from Red Lines)