On the occasion of the long Easter holidays, several facilities will be closed and other services will change their schedules.
open Friday
-SAQ branches are open according to their usual schedule
-The branches of the SQDC
-eco centers
-Some museums (including Space for Life)
– Some malls, retail, grocery and convenience stores
closed on Friday
-Banks and cash registers
– Federal, state and local service points
-Canada Post
Sunday open
– All SAQ and SAQ Express branches are open.
-Convenience stores
Sunday closed
-Most SAQ Sélection will be closed, as will SAQ Dépôt
-The branches of the SQDC
– Retail stores and shopping malls
-Banks and cash registers
-eco centers
-SAAQ service centers
Monday open
-Most SAQ branches are open, except for those located in a closed mall and not accessible from the outside.
-The branches of the SQDC
– Grocery stores, convenience stores, retail stores and malls
– Banks and cash registers
closed on Mondays
-The Biodome, the Insectarium and the Planetarium
-Federal and state service points
-eco centers
-Canada Post
-SAAQ service centers