López Obrador accuses the US of spying on Mexico

López Obrador accused the United States of espionage. Photo: EFE.

The President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obradordenounced that The United States spy on their country’s security institutionsafter a leak of Pentagon documents pointing to alleged tensions between the Army and Navy.

You cannot use spy filesAlso to find out what our security institutions are doing, and moreover with the arrogance of leaking the information to the Washington Post,” the president said at his usual press conference, the AFP agency reported.


According to secret documents cited by this newspaper, US authorities are assessing the impact of a Mexican law which orders the army to patrol and protect the country’s airspace.

After evaluation, this faculty can do Escalating tensions between the Navy and Army that could “intensify their existing rivalry and undermine their ability to conduct joint operations”..

The two institutions perform security duties in Mexico, which has been plagued by a maelstrom of violence since 2006, when the then-government took office a controversial anti-drug operation involving the military that left more than 350,000 dead.

The American newspaper assured that there was no evidence that these documents came from eavesdroppers in the United States. The papers are part of the secret files from Washington that appeared on the Discord social network and were mainly devoted to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Contact with the Ambassador

Hours after his speech, the Mexican President received the United States Ambassador in his office, Ken Salazarwho left the meeting without commenting to the press.

López Obrador also said that his government will try to establish the terms of cooperation with the DEA, after the US Drug Enforcement Agency announced it had infiltrated the sons of jailed drug dealer Joaquín “Chapo” Guzmánwhom Washington accused of trafficking in fentanyl last Friday.

A reform of the National Security Law in 2021 restricted foreign agent operations in Mexicoamid complaints about alleged links between some of these officers and drug dealers and after more than 2,000 guns fell into the hands of criminals following a failed US search operation between 2006 and 2011.

There are no foreign agents allowed in our country. No. We can exchange information, but it is elements of the Mexican Army, Navy and National Guard that can intervene,” the left-wing president said.

Referring to the indictments brought by the United States against 28 people, including four of Guzmán’s sons known as “Chapitos”, López Obrador reiterated that fentanyl – a synthetic opioid – is not made in Mexico and assured that attention should be paid to the cartels that distribute drugs in the United States. “You don’t just have to watch what’s happening in Sinaloa or Mexico, but also what’s happening there,” he asked.

(taken from page 12)