Lopez Obrador39s Mananera today topics of the conference on December

López Obrador's “Mañanera” today: topics of the conference on December 22, 2023 Periódico Excélsior

president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador led his Morning conference on December 22, 2023 from Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, where he was accompanied by part of his cabinet and by Governor Salomón Jara.

López Obrador regretted the death of Cristina Pacheco and announced that he would meet with Antony Blinken and Alejandro Mayorkas; You can find out all the morning topics here.

Tomorrow today, December 22, 2023

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced the next one The meeting will take place on December 27th at the National Palace with a delegation of United States officials led by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of National Security Alejandro Mayorkasafter the phone call he had with his counterpart Joe Biden yesterday.

“Now we are facing an extraordinary situation because the number of migrants crossing our country with the aim of reaching the United States has increased. “Particularly given the number of Venezuelan migrants, also Haitians, Cubans, Ecuadorians (…), we are seeking agreements not only with the United States government,” he said.

López Obrador analyzes the inauguration of Guatemala's new president

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said this was the case Analysis of the inauguration of Bernardo Arévalo, which will take place on January 14, 2024 named the new president of Guatemala after receiving an invitation from outgoing President Alejandro Giammattei.

“I'm looking (if he goes to Guatemala), yes, I would like to go because of these very special circumstances. “It's January 14th, so it's celebrating the fact that despite the differences they reached an agreement, chose reconciliation, enforced democracy in a legal and peaceful way and put the people first,” he said.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador mourned the death of journalist Cristina Pachecowho died yesterday at the age of 82, hugged his family, friends and readers and expressed his condolences.

“I am very sorry and offer my condolences to the family and friends of the writer and journalist Cristina Pacheco. He died yesterday after a fruitful spiritual life. We remember her with affection and embrace her family, her friends and her readers who constantly watched her on television,” he said.

Tickets for the phase Pre-opening of the Interoceanic Train which will be inaugurated today sold out until December 30th. reported Vice Admiral Raymundo Pedro Morales, director of the Isthmus Corridor.

The Vice Admiral explained that 475 tickets were offered for sale for this first day and they were sold out. “If there was more demand, we could run more trains,” he said, adding that only one train would be running at this point and adjustments could be made depending on demand.
