Lorella Cuccarini, Amnesia on Live TV: Rushing to the Hospital | Fear spreads

Lorella Cuccarini - ilcorrierino.comLorella Cuccarini – ilcorrierino.com

The well-known dancer and celebrity loses her memory, an incredible event: all her fans were shocked by what happened.

Lorella Cuccarini He is now one of the leading figures in the Bel Paese entertainment world and over the years has managed to attract a truly overflowing audience of fans.

His musicals in the country's most important theaters have achieved incredible success, just like his Performance on television in various roles.

In particular, he reached a very important and young audience through his participation in the show Maria De Filippi friends, in which young talents compete against each other in dancing and singing until the winner is determined. For a while, Lorella took on the role of coach and judge for the boys and girls taking part in the talent show.

Apparently, however, the beautiful smile of Lorella Cuccarini It seems that it was not enough shining during a very special episode: Let's see what happened.

The celebrity in trouble

The singer of La notte vola is also very active on the Internet social networks, a sign that people on the Internet, including the younger generation, value it very much.

To review the highlights of her career Artist Recently, he recalled the episode in the context of amnesia and described it in detail.

Lorella Cuccarini - ilcorrierino.comLorella Cuccarini – ilcorrierino.com

The memory of Lorella

It all happened during one show, Cuccarini says: “One time they didn’t take me in one Air raid… I made that upside down splash… I couldn't remember what I did. I went to the hospital to get checked,” she said. In short, life as a dancer obviously involves some risks, similar things seem to potentially happen when performing complex steps.

In any case, Cuccarini seems to have recovered very well: it is likely that the brief amnesia was a consequence of the shock associated with the unexpected fall and that she therefore had very unclear memories of it. The dancer also praises Maria De Filippi, whose offer to work on Amici she greatly appreciated: it is a job that she loves, that allows her to keep in touch with young dancers or singers, who knows if she doesn't really do her of herself when she was her age!

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