Lorenzo Biagiarelli terrible and sudden admission by Lucarelli about him

Lorenzo Biagiarelli, terrible and sudden admission by Lucarelli about him: "It was a trap" | The Chef in Trouble iFood

Lorenzo Biagiarelli and Selvaggia LucarelliLorenzo Biagiarelli and Selvaggia Lucarelli – IFood.it (Photo by Ansa)

What she said shocked everyone, but it shows once again that she is a woman who doesn't tell anyone, not even him.

let it be an outspoken woman Everyone understands it now, but no one would have thought that she would end up using strong words even towards her boyfriend, and yet that's exactly how it happened.

Which made her really impatient and consequently She couldn't help but show her disappointment. However, it is also normal. AND It's hard for everyone to keep their nerve Even for the most patient person ever, he faces such a situation.

We also know that Selvaggia Lucarelli generally doesn't tell anyone about it. Just notice what he said Carolyn Smithwho was a colleague of his at “dancing with the stars“. “Maybe she's mad at me because she's a Salvini supporter, but I don't think it's a political problem. Before I arrived at Ballando, she was one woman among four men, the undisputed queen of the program. I come and take his place, he never accepted it.“, he explained in an interview on Il Giornale immediately after participating as a judge on the show.

This edition really has it all enraged. For her it was a real disaster and not even the involvement of her boyfriend Lorenzo Biagiarelli The race somehow managed to make their experience easier, quite the opposite. For this reason it was difficult for him too.

An expense that is anything but pleasant

The one whose protagonist was also Lorenzo Biagiarelli It should have been a good edition for heras she had the opportunity to see her boyfriend dancing right in front of her eyes, but instead it was, as she herself defined it, “catastrophic“.

All the while, she felt directly and indirectly silenced and insulted by the judges through her own boyfriend. She herself admitted it in the interview: “It seemed like everyone had to silence me, insult me, humiliate me. Directly and indirectly via Lorenzo. You have accomplished the difficult task of making the public love me.“Not to mention Lorenzo Biagirelli himself, who She managed to make them nervous.

“Dancing with the Stars” judgesThe judges of Dancing with the Stars – IFood.it (Photo by Ansa)

A mistake that trapped her

Although she was happy to see him dancing in front of her, Selvaggia Lucarelli was not She didn't appreciate her boyfriend's choice at all actually take part in the program he thought it was a real mistakebecause then he inadvertently ensured that Selvaggia ended up in the pillory of his colleagues.

This is what he said in the interview: “My friends who work in television advised me against it, they told me it was a trap, it was a way to weaken me and attack me. I was naive, I trusted. And in any case, this book was difficult to predict.“Poor Selvaggia, what a bad situation.

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