Louis Morissette sends Jeff Fillion 6 feet under Hockey30.webp

Louis Morissette sends Jeff Fillion 6 feet under – Hockey30

– Ouch…

– Since the devastating departure of Louis Morissette towards Quebec’s “trash radio”…

– Not to mention Radio X and all the stations of RNC Media… (which also owns BPM Sports),,,

– The ratings of these channels have fallen even further.

– As for Fillion and his independent “Radio Pirate”…let’s say Morissette’s words catapulted him to the bottom…

– Morissette is a BIG BOSS…

– We call him the EMPTYER…

– He decided to pick up the garbage…

The Donald Trumps, Éric Duhaime and other radio hosts or television commentators of the same genre have truly become masters of hate. By now they have experience and control their pack, dictating the tone and rhythm of the flock of sheep to feed their own narcissism and guide people who feel let down by the system.

People who find courage in the strength of their numbers, in the bonds they never had. These modern demagogues who can always be found on a boogie platform at ridiculous demonstrations and whose main function is to get them media attention. Because if their followers have found their adrenaline in belonging to a group, they find their drug in the attention they give their little human. talk about me Good or bad, we don’t care, but talk about me.

Today I want us to look to the future. First there was the vaccine and 5G conspiracy, which is obviously a conspiracy to control all of society. Then it was down to the sleeves of the very dangerous Drag Queen Barbada and her stories in libraries.

In the background, to hide the intolerance, ignorance and xenophobia of these people, always the same guise: we are fighting this fight for our children. It is so beautiful ! What greatness of soul it is nonetheless! Here’s my question: when the bogus drag debate is over, what will the new childish struggle of the conspiracy theorists be? I have a few suggestions…

master key. Done, this masquerade: it is very dangerous for our young girls. A man living with two girls in a house with no walls? That’s polygamy, sir. AWAKEN!!! Our girls become polyamory idiots who dream of a scruffy guy whose shoes eat vices. Obvious reference to oral sex

Baby pacifiers. It’s indoctrination. It is an invention of a network of pedophiles. Young boys are conditioned from childhood to calm down by putting a phallic looking object in their mouth! AWAKEN!!!

Cough Syrup. It’s a Big Pharma invention. There’s alcohol in there!!! AWAKEN!!! The media doesn’t want to say it, but Éric Lapointe spent his youth with Lambert syrup. Why do you think he “called in the night to tell you nonsense”? Because he was drunk when he was 12…

We will shut down pornography sites. It is well known that masturbation makes you deaf. Do we really want our kids to express themselves in sign language due to an excess of dick talk? AWAKEN!!

Maxi Food. If you place your order there, your child will go bald. Hello ??? This is Martin Matte, the narrator. AWAKEN!!! Please investigate!!!

The Trans Canada. It’s disgusting !!! Since when is she trans, is that Canadian? AWAKEN!!!

Our children should be able to bring guns to daycare. Dangerous you say? It’s totally wrong. Have you ever seen a five year old go on a killing spree? No, they are still adults!!! AWAKEN!!!

Women’s hockey is all about waking up!!! There are far too many lesbians in there. Worse, the reason is simple: they see themselves naked. If girls want to play, let them play with boys. Girls, if you’re lucky enough to see naked men in the shower, you might want to be with the ladies.

Please send me your suggestions. I will continue and we can all prepare. Oh, and you conspirators, don’t waste your time writing to me that I don’t understand anything because I’m a tool of the government. For three years I have been told that I will soon be indicted in a mega trial, Nuremberg 2.0. Alexis, Éric, Jeff, Steve, Kevin, Keven, Keveun… the prosecution process should be expedited and the police should arrest me soon.

My little suitcase is ready and it’s getting annoying not knowing when the police are coming. Seriously, I understand the conspirators being very afraid of being controlled by an elite, because when I see how easily they are controlled by these masters of hate, I tell myself that at least they know they are are only sheep.