This week promises good fortune after Mercury retrograde begins on December 13th, but also a few lessons on how to make our own star. This week comes with a fatalistic attitude that is almost typical of how we feel at this time of year. We summarize our achievements for the year and see what we did to achieve these achievements.
In this way, we get a good, well-founded review of the approaches to success. We learn how to succeed…in love, in career, in health, in happiness, etc. If we have won victories this year, then we reflect on those wins. The three zodiac signs will feel very well supported by the many interesting planetary transits that take place during this time.
For lovers, it's good to know that we start the week with Venus sextile Lilith, which occurs on the same day as Mercury sextile Venus.
Using these transits as a starting point, we will clear the air and engage in much-needed constructive conversations right from the start.
We'll also be welcoming our old friend, Mercury retrograde, and believe it or not, we'll make sure this happens to our benefit. Let's see how the week goes in love with these three zodiac signs.
Three zodiac signs will have the best luck in love this week after Mercury retrograde begins on December 13, 2023:
1. Gemini
(May 21 – June 20)
What you may notice is that you are willing to deal with what you did, good or bad, to create the situation you now find yourself in with your romantic partner. It hasn't been easy, but you haven't given up hope, and this week you'll find that even though your patience will be tested and your nerves frayed, you know you're on the right path. with love and relationships in general.
Even though Mercury retrograde poses a major threat to your patience, you'll quickly learn to navigate the ups and downs of this transit in a way that only a true Gemini can. If there's something to discuss between you and your partner, it's time to put your cards on the table and see what's going on. The Moon square Venus makes you doubt yourself, but even you know how to overcome your self-doubt.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: Bring Lilith into your world on December 12th and 15th and it will show up as an intelligent argument with your romantic partner. Mercury retrograde on the 13th may make you feel like everything you just went through was a retrograde, but it has a purpose. On December 14th, during the Sun Trine Node, you will find out what that purpose is, and it will be good. You also have the Sun sextile Moon transit of December 17th, showing you that you are on the right path.
2. Virgo
(August 23 – September 22)
With the strong Lilith push this week, you may be resorting to some of your old tricks, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. You're a real flirt when you want to be, and in a way no one does it as well as you. Lilith's energy really makes you think that maybe it's time to bring back some of the old magic because she always helped to enliven the romance you are in.
The Sun Trine Node helps speed things up as you look deep within yourself and realize that some of the “issues” you have been holding on to have already been healed and that there is no longer any legitimate reason to be yours To accuse your partner of something else. This frees you, and it certainly frees them too. You will bridge the gap in your relationship and it will feel like you have been given a second chance.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: For you, Virgo, it's all about the Lilith energy, and this takes over as soon as the week begins and lasts throughout the week. You have a new moon in Sagittarius to channel Lilith energy into the positive. So look out for December 12th and 15th as the days of the week that are the most rewarding in terms of love and romance. You'll spend most of your time in your head, but you'll need that time to think. Thinking is good!
3. Fish
(February 19th – March 20th)
You get along well with Sagittarius energy and, astrologically speaking, this week is the last week of the season before the Capricorn Sun arrives. Then your optimism rises to the peak, and with Lilith's powerful jolt, you will definitely find that your self-confidence when it comes to love and romance is at an all-time high. You feel comfortable with who YOU are, and that affects how you treat your partner.
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Your supporting transits this week are lunar trine Jupiter on December 13th and lunar sextile Venus on December 14th. These events will help you carry on as you have been doing without fear of doing something wrong. You are no longer under the influence of forces that are steering you in the wrong direction, and this gives you the freedom to believe in the future of your romantic relationship. The mood this week is positive and optimistic.
Dates and moments to keep in mind: You will do the right thing and partner with Mercury retrograde on December 13th because it will show you that if you go backwards in your relationship, you will get the same negative results. This day will make you realize that you only have forward momentum and that the future will only be bright if you keep up the pace. When the Sun sextile Moon comes to your rescue on December 17th, you will realize that what you have is really what you want.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, tarot, runes and astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.