1672799605 Lowest since 2008 Unemployment rate in 2022 averages 63 percent

Lowest since 2008: Unemployment rate in 2022 averages 6.3 percent

374,871 people were in training or registered as unemployed at the end of December. A Department of Labor statement said that exactly 65,653 of them were in training. At the end of the year, the unemployment rate was 7.4 percent and an average of 6.3 percent for the year as a whole. The lowest since 2008, the ministry said.

AUSTRIA. ÖVP Economy Minister Martin Kocher is satisfied: “The positive development is also confirmed by a year-on-year comparison: at the end of 2021, 27,507 people were unemployed or in training more than at the moment.”

Lowest since 2008 Unemployment rate in 2022 averages 63 percent

In the first year of the pandemic, 2020, unemployment was 146,048 more than at the end of 2022. Even in 2019, before the start of the corona pandemic, the number was 407,872. On the other hand, there are 7.4% more vacancies available immediately than there were in December 2021. There were also slightly more vacancies than people looking for an internship. In previous months, unemployment figures were similar to those of 2008.

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