1651778439 Luana Piovani rebels against influencers on social networks and demands

Luana Piovani rebels against influencers on social networks and demands attitude: “For love” ​​Bolavip Brasil


The case was reported in video by Júnior Hekurari Yanomami, an indigenous leader

Photos: Instagram/Luana PiovaniPhotos: Instagram/Luana Piovani

Civilians and Federal Agencies, in Roraimafollowed the case of a 12yearold teenager who was raped and killed by prospectors in the community Aracacain the region Waiakasat the Yanomami country. The case was uncovered by Junior Hekurari Yanomami, indigenous leadership. However, 5 days after the report, his tribe disappeared and no trace was found.

The place where the indigenous group lived was burned down and nothing was left. After what happened, several celebrities, influencers and famous people have asked a question on the networks. What finally became of the group? Yanomani? Even anitain your chirpShe was very angry at the case and raised the tone.

Another dedicated to this cause is Luana Piovanithe one in the vented Instagram and demanded positioning from other bloggers: “Do you have an idol, do you follow people you like here on Instagram? So do yourself a favor and ask your idol about the situation of the Yanomami, the indigenous people of our great Brazil. Two children were raped.”

“For heaven’s sake guys, where’s the union? Let’s stop making a fortune and bring things like we’re a corporation. My wish is to tag people. You will see in this wonderful bubble world that this living person has not yet arrived at this information. That’s the only explanation why they don’t question it.” Piovani.