Luca Salatino unprecedented affront to ex But hes telling the

Luca Salatino unprecedented affront to ex: But he’s telling the truth

Men and women, Luca Salatino unprecedented affront to ex: But he is telling the truth

In a recent interview, former men’s and women’s Tronista Luca Salatino broke the silence on the split from his ex-girlfriend.

It hasn’t been many days since former “Men and Women” admirer Soraia Ceruti gave an interview to the show’s magazine. interview in which broke the silence on the recent break with former Tronista Luca Salatinoand revealed the reasons that led to the drastic decision.

Here’s what he said about it during the interview: “I admit I was nervous, but when we actually lived together I felt differently. I often saw him absent, maybe those four months in a house brought out some weaknesses. I’ve felt very alone in so many real contexts. I took him to Como and introduced him to my friends. I think I gave him everything I can give to a person who moves. (…) Behavior that does not meet my expectations, for example his jealousy. Because of certain behaviors, I isolated myself from friends, felt very depressed, and didn’t leave the house. We have different ideas about jealousy, but when I’m in love I don’t see anyone else.”

But His words don’t seem to entirely match what the former Tronista said recently during an interview with dating show magazine Canale Cinque. He also broke his silence days later indulge in some raw reflections and revelations to what happened.

Men and women, Luca Salatino breaks silence on break with ex

During the recent interview with Men and Women magazine, former Tronista Luca Salatino broke the silence once and for all about what happened to former beau Soraia Ceruti.

However, his words seem to be helping in some details a slightly different version than that of the ex-girlfriend: “In love there are no guilty parties, you win and lose together.” It’s simple: In my opinion, Soraia hasn’t loved me for at least two months. She almost seemed annoyed and over time a tense situation developed between us that made me feel bad. She told me that she was nervous about matters related to the house in Como that should have been our house, but I saw that there wasn’t the same level of attention as before. (…) This negative feeling came from the insecurities and inadequacies of our relationship at that moment: she was impatient and I felt wrong in every way!”.

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