1705846370 Lucarelli Biagiarelli and the accusation against Adnkronos That39s why the

Lucarelli, Biagiarelli and the accusation against Adnkronos: That's why the agency confirms its article Adnkronos

The journalist Selvaggia Lucarelli and her partner, influencer and chef Lorenzo Biagiarelli, accused Adnkronos of spreading fake news. And although there are so many more important and serious things happening in the world that we should and want to deal with, unfortunately I have a duty to defend the news organization I lead and the work of my colleagues.

So what are we talking about? Adnkronos wrote a short article (here it is) in which it was said that This year, Milan (the city where Biagiarelli lives) will host the Festa del Bio, a traditional event dedicated to organic food. The Biagiarelli, who has been involved in the event in the past (there is evidence of this on the Internet), was not called this year because, according to the organization's employees, “he is too exposed” after the tragic suicide of the Lodi restaurateur and the uproar that involved him (he himself is leaving the Rai show). We confirm all of this.

However, a little explanation is required. Everyone knows that if one wants a correction to a press organ, one must request it in accordance with the law and that if it is not accepted, the affected party can turn to the judiciary. Adnkronos has not received any lawful requests from Lorenzo Biagiarelli. I only received private “messages” and not even from the person in question. It's a bit as if a motorist sent a private letter to the traffic police commander instead of going to the prefect or justice of the peace in exchange for a fine that was deemed unjustified. It doesn't work like that in a constitutional state.

Lucarelli Biagiarelli and the accusation against Adnkronos That39s why the

That's why Lorenzo Biagiarelli and his partner Selvaggia Lucarelli chose to establish themselves in the Wild West of social media, where anything is possible, by taking advantage of their huge follower base (over a million for her, around 230,000 for him) and Adnkronos with some verbal accusation accused violence of spreading false news (see photo).

1705846361 462 Lucarelli Biagiarelli and the accusation against Adnkronos That39s why the

We, women and men of Adnkronos, We will continue to do our work with passion and consistency. It will happen that we make mistakes and as always we will be ready with everyone and do our duty by correcting the mistakes. Also with Biagiarelli and Lucarelli. But that's not really the case.

(From Davide Desario)

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