1672828286 Lucarelli Biagiarelli terror in flight quotForbidden to document his fingquot

Lucarelli Biagiarelli, terror in flight: "Forbidden to document his f***ing"

Lucarelli Biagiarelli terror in flight quotForbidden to document his fingquot

Wild Lucarelli he is enjoying his vacation New Year’s with his partner Lorenzo Biagiarelli. The chef actually decided to bring it back Orient Lucarelli, this time in Nepal. A fully documented tour on social media, with the chef also updating his followers on the culinary and wine discoveries he makes while traveling with his partner. The two looked smiling and closer than ever in the photos posted on New Year’s Eve.

Idea of ​​the c...: Selvaggia Lucarelli, vents in front of Lorenzo

But in fact, both Biagiarelli and Lucarelli have experienced some moments in the last few hours voltage and from fear. For the move from Kathmandu to Chitwan (the two cities are about 93 kilometers apart), they can be reached with a land journey of about 5 hours due to impassable roads with little traffic. But there is a quick alternative, a domestic flight. Lucarelli and Biagiarelli therefore opted for the airplane.

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Never before has a decision been so risky. In fact, they were dealing with very strong turbulence and air pockets that literally frightened Biagiarelli. Despite the escape in between Kathmandu and Chitwan only lasted 20 minutes, for Biagiarelli and Lucarelli it was 20 minutes of pure terror. The journalist documented on social media: “After 10 minutes the plane hits some cumulonimbus clouds so air pockets start and goodbye”. Then Lucarelli’s words about her partner: “From that moment Lorenzo forbade me to document his ca***to”.