1697935837 Lucarelli to Simona Ventura You started with modesty again then

Lucarelli to Simona Ventura: You started with modesty again, then the swipe at Barbara d’Urso

Dancing with the Stars 2023

Simona Ventura performs to samba sounds on her debut on Dancing with the Stars and impresses the judges. Space for Selvaggia Lucarelli, who comments on the ups and downs throughout her long career, drawing a parallel with what happened to Barbara d’Urso: “You could start over with humility, without going abroad and then posting in English. “

Lucarelli to Simona Ventura You started with modesty again then

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Dancing with the Stars 2023

Simona Ventura appears in the opening episode of the new edition of to the tune of a samba dancing with the stars. The presenter, who competed together with her partner Giovanni Terzi and her colleague Paola Perego, with whom she co-hosts Citofonare Rai2, impressed as she has often in her career and showed that she knows how to manage the stage with a mixture of presence and Stage to fill professionalism. His performance served as a starting point for Selvaggia Lucarelli to compliment her, remember her debut on one of Ventura’s shows, and take a dig at Barbara d’Urso.

Selvaggia Lucarelli’s comment after Simona Ventura’s performance

After seeing Simona dance – and dance well – Lucarelli commented on her performance: “I have to say something a little complicated and I hope I won’t be misunderstood. I started this job thanks to Simona Ventura, in the sense that I was a stranger and she accepted me into her program. I started there. 20 years have passed and today I am here and you are here. I may think this is my victory, but instead I think it is your victory. You showed that you were able to reinvent yourself even when things weren’t going well in your career, as is the case with everyone, and that you were able to start with great humility from smaller things and not suddenly move on England to go to post on Instagram English. Stay here and do smaller things with patience and humility. You’re here today and I appreciate it – except that you’re on Dancing with the Stars and not the Porchetta Festival – but one day you could be here and I could be there. Whatever, you were crazy. The connection to Barbara d’Urso, who flew to London after leaving Pomeriggio5, is clear.

Simona Ventura’s answer: “I’d be happy to do Citofonare Rai2 too”

“First of all, I believe that the fact that you are here and everyone I have launched has been successful is also my success. I really did a lot of things, but I never looked back on the things I did. I’ve always tried to move forward. “Citofonare Rai2, for example, is a small program that is growing and I am very happy that Paola called me and that we can do this together too,” replied Ventura, citing the program he hosts on Rai2. “Ah, you said it!” emphasized Mariotto and Ventura concluded: “Oh yes, in short, really stupid, no.”