Lucas Pasin Former file says she was fired after reporting

Lucas Pasin: Former file says she was fired after reporting sexual harassment ​​Splash

Rhiza says she filed a police report on January 6 and also had the principal send her messages. “It took months before we received many messages. I have them all and it has helped me prove harassment. [O diretor] I invited people to dinner, took photos of me and sent them to praise me, and said things like, “My heart can’t take this.” He even gave me gifts. There were many direct and indirect ones.”

The journalist, who has also worked for Hora News, News das 10 and Esporte Record News, among others, made the revelation by posting a video on social media on her closed Instagram profile. “The reason [da demissão] was that I was sexually harassed by my principal for almost a year. I ended up having to face retaliation because I obviously didn’t back down. Until I couldn’t take it anymore and filed a complaint with the company’s human resources department. I hadn’t filed a police report, nothing, I reported that fact to HR and said, “What are you going to do?” And they fired me two days after the complaint.

Rhiza, who did not name the director, says she decided to report the harassment to Record’s human resources department and that she sent the broadcaster evidence of her statement. “I reported it to Record’s human resources department. I went there in person, spoke to the HR manager and he asked me to send an email with evidence. I did, and two days later I was released. The justification was “cost”. “Cut” and they never said anything again.

I hoped it would be a company that cared about the wellbeing of its employees. I was wrong […] I am very proud that I accomplished all of this and was released from this prison. Maybe I was the only woman who had the courage, because I know several other people who suffered at the hands of this person. Rhiza, in a video posted on her profile

When the column contacted, Thiago Anastácio, Rhiza’s lawyer, sent a statement saying that the labor court found in a ruling that the journalist had indeed suffered sexual harassment. The decision can be appealed. The statement also said that in the case of the criminal case, the director reached a criminal settlement agreement in which the defendant agrees to serve an early sentence or a restriction of his rights and the case is terminated.

The column reached out to the Record to comment on Rhiza’s complaint and the court proceedingsbut at the time of publishing this text there was no response.