Lucas Pasin Marilias Brother Opens Up on Late Producers Family

Lucas Pasin Marília’s Brother Opens Up on Late Producer’s Family Lawsuit Splash

João GustavoBrother of Marília Mendonça, spoke with Exclusivity with this column from Splash and commented on the lawsuit brought by the family of Henrique Bahia the singer’s producer, who also died in the plane crash. Bahia’s family is fighting for the recognition of the professional’s labor rights.

“It’s not a lawsuit against my family, it’s not something we have a relationship with,” says João Gustavo, continuing: “His family will always have a lot of affection, we’re not that close because they’re in one.” Live in another state.” And that was it. This closeness was difficult. What I have seen is that they have been fighting for Bahia to be considered an employee by the company, it has nothing to do with us.”

The lawsuit in court was revealed by George Freitas, father of Henrique Bahia. “May justice be done and may your employment be recognized on behalf of your legacy, your professionalism and all you have represented to those who have worked and lived with you!” he wrote on social media.

“You didn’t just work for an office/artist, you lived for your work 24 hours a day. You have given your blood in everything you have done. This fight will last until the end of all your family and friends my fat man.” , continued.

The lawsuit against Marília Mendonça’s team comes a year and seven months after the death of the singer and producer. Bahia’s family is asking for recognition of his three years of work at the Sertaneja.

Searched for this column syringesMarília Mendonça’s team confirmed the action and sent a message:

“The information that Henrique Bahia’s son, represented by his mother, has an ongoing labor lawsuit in the Labor Court is true.

We clarify that the hearing on the last day, 07/07/2023, was solely to determine whether the trial should be heard before the Labor Court of DivinópolisMG or before one of the Labor Courts of GoiâniaGoiás.

However, we cannot provide any further information on the procedure, as it is a matter of judicial confidentiality.

In any case, from the outset, Sentimento Louco Produções Artísticas, as well as the Espólio da Marília Mendonça, through its legal entity, sought dialogue and the resolution of the case through arbitration.”

Marília Mendonça died in a plane crash on November 5, 2021. Alongside her, producer Henrique Bahia, adviser and uncle Abicieli Silveira, and the pilot and copilot of the plane, Geraldo Martins and Tarcísio Viana, also died.