1660577955 Luciana Lamorgese the dossier that nails her what is happening

Luciana Lamorgese, the dossier that nails her: what is happening in Italy

Luciana Lamorgese the dossier that nails her what is happening

A dossier mercilessly that the administration condemned Ministry of the Interior by Luciana Lamorgese. Today’s Home Office report documents the relentless onslaught of migrants on our shores. Between January 1st and August 11th this year, 45,764 migrants landed on the Italian coasts, 40.3% more than in the same period last year; 6,070 unaccompanied foreign minors (+ 8.3%), 137 smugglers arrested (+ 41.2%). This is precisely what emerges from the “Viminale Dossier” published on the occasion of the traditional National Committee for Public Order and Security on August 15th. 46.7% of migrants disembarked this year were rescued after SAR events (16% by NGOs), the remaining 53.2% are autonomous arrivals. The main countries of departure are Libya (24,809), Tunisia (12,536), Turkey (7,039), Algeria (620) and Lebanon (595). As for the nationality declared at the time of landing, 20.5% are from Tunisia, 19.3% from Egypt, 16.7% from Bangladesh, 7.8% from Afghanistan, 6.2% from Syria, 4% from Ivory Coast, 3.2% from Eritrea. Between August 2021 and July this year, 977 migrants came through”humanitarian corridors from Ethiopia, Jordan, Lebanon, Niger, Iran and Pakistan, 185 with humanitarian evacuations from Libya and 5,544 from Afghanistan with the “Aquila” operations. Repatriations, also last year, were 3,955 (-8.4%).

From August 10th, d migrants they are 95,184 in reception, 23.9% more than a year ago: 682 in hotspots, 63,570 in reception centers and 30,932 in the Sai network (reception and integration system). The regions that receive the most migrants are, in order, Lombardy (11%), Emilia Romagna (10%), Piedmont (9%), Lazio (9%) and Sicily (9%). 14,354 Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion and 3,649 Afghans are also admitted. And things aren’t going well for Lamorgese, even if you look at the crime data. Murders, thefts and robberies have increased in the past year. Specifically, from August 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022, there are 319 homicides (36 attributed to organized crime) compared to 276 in the same period (August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2022), while there were 334 in the pre-Covid era.

Robberies committed in the last year are 24,644 (19,975 in the previous year and 25,588 in the pre-Covid period). Same trend for i thefts: 902,014 last year, 730,061 last year 1,117,855 in precovid. There is also an increase in the number of people arrested, which is 149,608 compared to 146,699 in the previous year and those just reported from 632,647 (680,568 in the same period last year).