1697118997 Luis Guzman finds the role of his dreams

Luis Guzmán finds the role of his dreams

With one of the most prolific filmographies in Hollywood (173 titles to his credit) Luis Guzman I can say that the next film that Puerto Rican audiences will see in theaters is a dream come true.

The Puerto Rican actor had a professional side that was little known to many and in an interview with this medium he told us how his time as a social worker and his own life inspired him to perform one of his best careers Story Ave.which opens today at the Fine Arts Theaters.

“This job gave me the opportunity to incorporate all the things I’ve been through in my life. My life was full of joy, jokes, dancing, food, sadness, tragedy…everything. All of that was my reference for the role of ‘Luis’.”He reveals about his character in the film.

Luis Guzman finds the role of his dreams

Story Ave. chronicles the life of “Kadir” (Asante Blackk), a young artist living in the South Bronx who is struggling with the death of his younger brother. Filled with grief, the young man escapes into the world of the city’s graffiti gangs while struggling with the pressures of school and a “troubled” home. To join the gang, he robs a subway driver named “Luis” (Luis Guzmán), but to his surprise, his victim agrees to give him the money if “Kadir” sits down to eat with him. After a conversation, a friendship develops in which “Kadir” sees his artistic talent for the first time as an escape to a better life.

Well, Guzmán began his career as a social worker and counselor in 1979, a position he held for 14 years. The role he plays in this film is that of a man who decides to help a young man without expecting anything in return.

The actor revealed to us that he’s always had an instinct to help people so they can give themselves the tools to move forward.

“When I was a social worker, which was the best job I’ve ever had in my life, I helped a lot and made many people’s lives good. “I wanted to see a good result for ‘Kadir,’” said Guzmán about the development of the plot, saying that Story Ave. this is part of his career.

He had previously stated that his appearance in this film was the realization of his “dream role,” and now we ask him why.

“It’s something in my life, something I saw in my life, it was part of my upbringing. When I read the script I was fascinated because I said, ‘Wow, these are the roles I’ve always dreamed of!’ ‘It touched my heart,’ he said.

“I want the public, when they see this film, to realize that life doesn’t have to be so bad for you; There is a cure, there is a chance. “It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to support your neighbor and believe in someone,” he added.

In the film, “Luis” is there for the young “Kadir” and offers him his unconditional help despite the fact that he attacked with a weapon. In life it is difficult to find people who are willing to help you unconditionally. They are rare, but they exist. This is one of the reasons why the actor loved this performance: because life is like that, sometimes we experience difficult and bad times, but also moments of joy. That’s the reality.

“Suddenly you help a person and see that they are fine, but in that moment something has happened and you see it in a box… you don’t understand why these things happen and there is nothing in life that can prepare you .” for that.”

What advice would you give to someone who is feeling directionless or aimless in their life right now?

“First you have to love yourself because you are all you have in life and you have to believe in yourself that you can do it. It’s okay if you need to ask for help from someone who will listen to you, hug you, put up with you, and give you confidence that you can move on with your life. The reality is that there are times when we need this; But we also have to have ourselves, you have to believe in yourself,” he said.

Story Ave. reveals the hard lives of thousands of people who go through difficulties, doubts and disasters throughout their lives, the lives of others who, in a short time, influence our lives forever and, without necessarily knowing it, serve as an inspiration to us.

Luis Guzmán is one of those people who have influenced the lives of thousands of people.