Luis Miguel and Aracely Arambula agreed to allow their children

Luis Miguel and Aracely Arámbula agreed to allow their children to study in the United States

Luis Miguel transfers millions to support his children amid controversy with Aracely Arámbula

Luis Miguel continues to be in the spotlight and not only because of his successful 2023 tour, with which he continues to tour the United States, finally arriving in Mexico on November 21st, but not only the artistic life of the famous singer made headlines, but Your family intimacy and his relationship with his ex-partner, Aracely Arambula.

And after the mother of his two youngest children exploded against him, calling him a “maintenance debtor” for not meeting his financial obligations to Miguel and Daniel after a few years, Luis Miguel took action on the matter.

Aracely filed a lawsuit to collect the money owed by her ex-husband, and only then did the singer respond to the public lawsuit and make a million-dollar payment for this debt.

However, the demands of the protagonist of soap operas such as “Soñadoras” and “Abrázame” did not stop there, as it was revealed that she recently received a decision in her favor so that the teenagers can leave Mexico.

Miguel and Daniel are currently 14 and 12 years old (Photo: Archive)

It was on the YouTube program En Shock where journalists Jorge Carbajal and Felipe Cruz shared documents showing that Luis Miguel was being prosecuted and that a verdict had already been issued in favor of Arámbula.

According to these documents, the following was agreed in the lawsuit filed by Aracely against her ex-partner:

“Aracely is authorized to carry out the necessary administrative procedures so that your children can learn about the academic offerings of various institutions in the United States.”

“Aracely is entitled to carry out the procedures for issuing passports to minors with a validity of six years in lieu of parental consent.”

Weeks ago, Aracely told what her children think about Luis Miguel living together with Paloma Cuevas’ daughters (Photo: Instagram)

“Both parties are obliged to refrain from making public on the social networks of the parties, through media companies that have a license to provide broadcasting and telecommunications services, as well as print media or in electronic media or digital applications, any issue related to this judicial proceedings relating to the person, property, privacy, private life or, in general, the legal sphere of minors.”

According to reports, one of the two involved will have to pay a fine of 50,000 pesos if he disrespects his children or reveals details about them publicly.

For her part, the journalist Addis Tuñón presented on the program De Primera Mano the official document showing that the Por Beneath the Table singer was prosecuted.

According to the document Luis Miguel was summoned as the defendantaccompanied by a lawyer because he was accused of breach of maintenance obligation.

President AMLO thanked Luis Miguel for the gesture in favor of those affected by Otis; The singer will donate 10 million pesos (Photo: @genoveva_casanova_official / YouTube)

“I inform you that you have been summoned as a defendant before this ministerial authority: investigative unit “C-7” without prisoners of the public prosecutor’s office to investigate crimes to the detriment of girls, boys and young people (…). You “know that you have the right to be assisted by a defense attorney in these proceedings,” says the document informing Luis Miguel of the lawsuit.

The journalist explained that the document corresponding to the complaint filed domestically was issued on November 9 and has “nothing to do” with the money that Luis Miguel recently paid for the pension he shared with the two young men at the age of 14 and 12 years old.

In May 2023, Luis Miguel was captured at the school of his girlfriend’s daughters, Paloma Cuevas (Instagram/@hoydia)

“I have news for you: you see that they have taken care of the sun because he doesn’t pay, he doesn’t see his children and he doesn’t pay. So what do you think? Which has already paid off since September!“Maxine Woodside mentioned mid-last October.

“The money has been in court since September. He first paid the two years he owed and then another year and a half progressed. He paid a lot of money because, as they told me, gives him 200,000 pesos a month$100,000 for each child to Aracely Arámbula, who has two children with her,” said the so-called Queen of Radio.