Luisella Costamagna after winning Dancing Im a journalist and a

Luisella Costamagna after winning “Dancing”: “I’m a journalist and a dancer, why not? I smiled more…

by Laura Zangarini

The journalist: “A demanding challenge that I took on with grit and the usual nerd”

Luisella Costamagna, 54, and Pasquale La Rocca, 33, won the final of “Dancing with the Stars”. An unequal goal scored by the journalist and the dancer-choreographer who was “saved” on December 17 after the injury sustained by Costamagna during rehearsals, after which she was forced to retire from the second episode of the dance show with one dance knee bandage. In the live broadcast last October 29, the couple had decided to retire because the journalist’s physical condition did not appear to be improving. Encouraged by the audience and the good feedback from the jury, the two held out until November 12, when the journalist on crutches announced her retirement. The regulation of “Ballando” then gave Costamagna and La Rocca another chance and the “fight of hope” that led them directly to victory yesterday.

Had he hoped for a win?

«No, I was hoping for the “fight of hope”, I wanted to get back into the race, but on the condition that the return withstands the tests that we have given. Anything can happen in any episode of “Dancing” so it must have been superstition but I didn’t think about it. I know I wanted to have an excellent Tango last night, one of our flagships. Winning was a possibility but it wasn’t in the plans, I didn’t want to win.”

What was the goal?

“Good track test. And as far as the audience is concerned, the jury was very open-minded, even though they might have reserved the last seats for us. But I always thought those were legitimate judgments.

Where did she learn to dance, did she take courses?

“I never took courses. I danced for a year as a kid, I must have been five or six years old. I still remember the teacher’s verdict: “Alternate busy days with distraction days,” so my mother then took me out of the class. I took African dance lessons when I was fifteen, I’ve always loved to dance, when the situation calms me down I let go. The real jump was with “Ballando”, the professionalism of the dance masters and the technique of certain dances force you to face the passion, the technique, your personal pleasure … You have to use your instinct, it’s very tiring but rewarding. Ballroom dancing with a master like Pasquale, very good but demanding, is difficult for someone like me who is not particularly trained».

Would you repeat the «Ballando» experience?

“Yes, run! Milly had asked me to take part in the past but I didn’t feel ready. In the ups and downs of the “dance” rehearsal, I’ve always been pleased with the audience’s affection, it’s an experience I can recommend. But I repeat, you need to prepare yourself physically. Old age and a not particularly strong physique, with “Agorà” (the political talk show on Rai3, hosted by Costamagna with my colleague Marco Carrara) I spent two years sitting, they didn’t help me ».

From journalist to dancer: two seemingly opposite paths…

“Da? I scuba dive and it’s certainly not a sporting activity that affects my credibility. I didn’t reinvent my career by joining Ballando, I saw the experience as an opportunity to get back into the game. Out of everyone Point of view. A pastime, a passion. An element that fits perfectly with the profession. Of course, I smiled more, the context allowed it: if you are interviewing a politician and talking about the war in Ukraine, why should you smile? “Dancing ” was a “rehab”, a new breath. In which I risk myself with the same “ringworm”, grit, “nerd” and the will to do my best».

She will have fun too…

“Everyone said to me, ‘You’ll see how much fun you’re going to have,’ and it was definitely fun. But the commitment behind “Ballando” is enormous, as is dealing with something you can’t do. After so much work, the recognition is gratifying, but it’s a tough commitment, the preparation of the show is handled down to the last detail, music, costumes, choreography. And Milly follows everything with tenacity and meticulousness, from the choice of hairstyle to that of the costume, the glove or the ribbon. The program is a well-oiled but complicated machine, four hours of transmission is a demanding challenge».

Codacons intends to ask Rai for access to the finals social voting.

“I am not aware of the controversy. As every year, the votes are public and this year a ‘task force’ has been set up to ‘monitor’ that there are no irregularities or suspicious ‘fluctuations’ in the votes. This edition has sparked many controversies that have little to do with dance moves, but the trappings of the competition are unavoidable in a four-hour program that then registers 30 percent of the audience. From what I can see, the missed votes from the social networks were compensated for by the jury, who voted almost compactly for us.

So doesn’t controversy spoil your party?

«I think it could also be legitimate to ruin the party, I gave it my all, I went out on the track and did my best work, the jury can judge me as they see fit, the jury is one Area to always respect and in any case. With “Ballando” the challenge was with myself on the dance floor and I have to say that the home audience has always given us solid support».

Future plans?

“No one in particular, I live hand to mouth. The goal now is to rest because the challenge was exhausting. I want to get back in shape, then I decide what to do, there are some projects to define. Now I enjoy the prize, the most beautiful and unexpected Christmas present».

December 24, 2022 (change December 24, 2022 | 16:43)