1673790404 Luisella Costamagna Post Ballando Rumors quotscarquot to Lucarelli

Luisella Costamagna, Post Ballando Rumors: "scar" to Lucarelli

Luisella Costamagna Post Ballando Rumors quotscarquot to Lucarelli

Could be Luisella Costamagna the replacement of Wild Lucarelli in the jury of the next edition of dance with the stars. With just a few weeks left in the show’s final, tumultuous season of Milly Carlucci On Rai 1, an indiscretion bomb sneaks onto the journalist’s account: Ballando won in tandem with Michele Santoro’s ex-shoulder Pasquale LaRocca. A triumph, that of December 23 last year, which sparked numerous controversies on social media fueled by Lucarelli. Logical that a relay between the two would represent a more or less voluntary distortion in Selvaggia.

Because he took part in Ballando: Bomb and Poison on Luisella Costamagna

Let’s summarize: Costamagna is missing almost the entire Ballando season due to injury. Fished for the final, she convinces the jury, which openly supports her. All, with the exception of Lucarelli, who, on the occasion of the finale, first acknowledged the almost exclusive merit of La Rocca and then the injustice of the regulation which he felt punished the other competitors, who came to the final act exhausted. A fierce controversy ensues with Luisella, also because many viewers even deny it voting mechanism and they hint at a “conspiracy” to bring them to victory. “But I didn’t object,” the person concerned replied proudly. In other words, it’s the other’s fault. And among these Lucarelli.

coup climate.  Bomb on Dancing what really happened in the dressing rooms

Interviewed on TvTalk on Rai 3, the journalist said she is now ready to return to Ballando, but in a new guise: away from the stage, on the other side of the infamous ‘switch’ run by Caroline Smith. She then said she was “amazed” by the “Carrambata that made me Serena Borton“. The presenter of Today is another dayin fact, his interviewed husband Darius: “In this case there was a carrambata. On the other hand, Dario worked extensively with Serena Bortone, so they were work colleagues. I have a lot of humility, I have a lot of respect for those who choose to tell their own personal story, but prefer Not”.