Luiz Bacci is convicted in a criminal case of defamation

Luiz Bacci is convicted in a criminal case of defamation of a delegate 12/19/2022

The São Paulo judiciary convicted TV Record presenter Luiz Bacci of defamation and defamation of delegate José Carlos de Souza.

The presenter of the program “Cidade Alerta” received a prison sentence of five months and 12 days in an open regime, but the sentence was replaced by the judge, who determined the payment of 20 minimum wages to the delegates (R$ 20.9 thousand in values ​​​​at time of the facts).

In April 2020, police were investigating the disappearance of a oneyearold and 11monthold child in Itapira, inland São Paulo. The mother was suspected of killing the girl.

The presenter said police had already found the child’s body, according to the file, and accused the police chief, whom he called the “little police chief,” of withholding the information in order to give a press conference “in the spotlight.” .

“Bacci evasively and irresponsibly stated on the show on April 20 that the body had been found. But it was only on the 29th, eleven days after the confession, that the mother indicated the correct place where she had buried her daughter. “He has hinted to thousands of people that the police chief is hiding the child’s body.”

Bacci was tried in absentia for missing the scheduled hearing, citing work commitments.

Despite this, he filed a petition in the proceedings, claiming he had always been guided by the duty to inform the public.

He explained that the information that the police chief had already found the body came from “reliable journalistic sources” and that the investigations had been carried out correctly through checks.

He cited that, based on the same sources, he had revealed that the mother had confessed to the crime even before the police publicly announced the fact.

“If the sources were reputable and presented true developments in the case, why should the journalist suspect the information provided about the location of the victim’s body?” asked the moderator’s defense at the trial.

Judge José Fernando Steinberg said in the ruling that based on the documentary evidence and testimonies, it was evident that the investigation was well conducted “while the criticism pushed the boundaries of common sense and journalism.”

“The defendant [Bacci] violates the reputation, dignity and decency of the victim [o delegado]he defined.

Bacci can still appeal.