Lula and large Brazilian delegation confirm participation in COP28

Lula and large Brazilian delegation confirm participation in COP28

The South American giant will arrive at this event, which begins on November 30th and runs until December 12th, with the intention of presenting itself as a solutions provider to the world.

This was confirmed to journalists by the Minister of Climate Change of the Ministry of the Environment, Ana Toni, and the Minister of Climate, Energy and Environment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador André Aranha Corrêa do Lago.

They also noted that the country will protect science as a determining factor in public decisions and policies on global warming.

“Brazil will firmly defend its commitment to the global goal of a temperature increase of up to 1.5 degrees Celsius,” said Corrêa do Lago.

At COP-28, the government will defend the primacy of countries with tropical forests in discussing solutions to the problems of these biomes.

Toni stressed that “at the COP we will see the continuity of the debate that began at the summit in Belém (Brazilian Amazon city) and present more concrete proposals.”

He added that “issues such as remuneration for forest ecosystem services and conservation of existing forests are proposed.”

According to the secretary, the Brazilian delegation in Dubai will present projects such as the restoration of springs in the Cerrado (biome), whose estimated investment is 25 billion euros, and the Climate Fund managed by the National Economic Development Bank and Social, a “major reforestation project ” introduce.

“On the 23rd we will present the evaluation of the programs in the environmental sector in Brasilia. “We will hold a similar event at COP,” he said.

For its part, Corrêa do Lago announced that the Brazilian delegation to the climate summit will total about 2,400 members, of which about 300 are government representatives and the rest from civil society, business people, scientists and environmental groups.

The national delegation also includes around 15 ministers who will take part in COP28 events and debates.

According to Toni, in this forum Brazil will “show everything that it has done well in the last few months” since Lula took power on January 1st.

In this sense, he mentioned the decline in illegal deforestation in the Amazon.

Official data showed that devastation in the planet’s green lung fell by 49 percent in the first nine months of the year.
